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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Ops, I hope I've not broken any rules. I did have a read of them before posting, promise! Thanks for the reply & welcome! Good, thats what I wanted to hear! I know it won't be as go-kart like and thrilling as the Mx (certainly within legal speeds) but I'm hoping the rest of the package makes up for this. Plus realistically, less than 10% of the time I'm driving the car will be driving for the sheer thrill of it so it's not so bad. No don't think you broken any rules mate...Just Ekona got a "bee in his bonnet" about "Pics of Stock Cars"...have a look at the current thread on here... :scare:
  2. Well cool...Looks like you been "Tangoed"...
  3. Love the look... Is it expensive to do ?.
  4. 911 Carrera 2 tiptronic 2002. Nice car.
  5. I have recently noticed while driving in town in traffic and when the clutch is hot the first 2" of travel has no feel, just no resistance in the pedal the bite point does not change and the clutch work's fine. When I start from cold the clutch pedal is firm all the way. Hope I've explained it correctly, anybody else had this ?.
  6. No chance of me putting up pics of other cars...check out Ekonas post on "Pics of Stock Cars", :scare:
  7. 1st ever proof that will ACTUALLY does have an X5 :lol:
  8. How does that work then? I only drive one at a time... But it cant be registered to more than 1 car surely? Ye. ! you got me Dave. I took it off the X5 and its now on the Zed, I was changing them over. :surrender:
  9. That was from my sons golf, now fixed, it it was a leak from the gearbox seal...Need to get him out there with some detergent and clean the drive.
  10. Yes I got those on the Zed, yes they are fine.been on mine now for about 6 months without prob. sure they will get nicked one day
  11. How does that work then? I only drive one at a time...
  12. And I thought that was your chopper...
  13. Keith Rip started Ripspeed he used to race Rallycrosss in a mini and he had a store in Enfield many years ago. Probably was Halffrauds then.
  14. It even has a HDR mode if you want to include yourself and the cockpit in the video. Have a look at this in 1080p... Not yet.... Great quality, where is this ?. Lovely area.
  15. Not sure if it came from Halffrauds or Demon Tweeks.
  16. That looks a neat bit of kit..did you have to pay any UK duty or vat on it ?.
  17. Have I been "Tangoed" again..!!! :surrender:
  18. Is this for real... :scare: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/pretending-to-be-hard-now-a-job-2013081678715
  19. New Stainless Steel Ripspeed Universal Cone Air Filter with spacer rings. Bought it but never fitted it. £20 + PP of £5.50 as its heavy you can collect it from North London.
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