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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Whats wrong with battery power..seems safe to me.. :thumbs:
  2. Just pulled into my road about 1 hour ago, black Range Rover. Good plate.
  3. I have..not many like my "gold" wheels..
  4. Members on here like to mod their cars and I'm no exception, just wondered if anybody on here would be brave enough to do that to their Zed..!
  5. Thank you all for your honest opinions, general consensus is " You dont like either"...' :scare:
  6. Just reduced these down to £30 as I need to sell them, need the space...Must be worth that..!
  7. Cheers, cost £190 + VAT for a full refurb . Another £40 to have the tyres removed, put back on and balanced. The company that did the refurb don't have tyre removal facilities. Pete That's a very good price.. I need mine doing as I've curbed them..
  8. Lovely wheels, came up well. Expensive ?
  9. Great vid, I have not been to the Pod for a while, must go again used to do the Easter Nationals, Summer Nationals and Winter Nationals with fireworks, great fun weekends.
  10. Great as I need one as well, so will look at the Pug one.
  11. Here's another tax rebate from Nigeria...!! :scare: Tax Refund Notification! A tax refund of 683.50 GBP - Still Pending. Due to invalid account record, we were unable to credit your account. A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. Case ID Number: HM-682-880-110 This is a reminder to process your Tax Refund request as soon as possible. Please download the form attached to this email and open it in a web browser (recommended Mozilla FireFox). Once opened, you will be provided with steps to process your request. We appreciate your understanding. Sincerely, HM Revenue & Customs ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: For security reasons, we will record your IP Address, the date and time. Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued. Refund Me Now HM Revenue & Customs Alexander House Southend on Sea Essex SS99 1AA
  12. Who listens to Long Wave anyway..didn't even know I had it...!!
  13. Very sad new, my thoughts go out to the families.
  14. These are back on the market, due to the buyer not been in a position to complete. Can be collected from London N11 or will send by courier. Need to move them as I have changed these over to LEDs.
  15. Looks very good, not seen many with the roof spoiler.
  16. I want your honest opinion on this..!!! :thumbs:
  17. Either the battery or an earth problem, more likely a battery..I would not put a HalfFraud battery in my car they are "not very good"...Put a proper Bosch battery in with 4 years warranty, and tighten the terminals and rub some vaseline on them. :thumbs:
  18. The last oil burner I had was a Land Rover Discovery, great car you can go anywhere in it, but so boring... Give me a big block "petrol" monster with attitude any day..!! :yahoo:
  19. Hi Richard. Yes it is I will be home by about 8.30 this eve if you want to PM me. Cheers.
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