Here's another tax rebate from Nigeria...!! :scare:
Tax Refund Notification!
A tax refund of 683.50 GBP - Still Pending. Due to invalid
account record, we were unable to credit your account.
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example
submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.
Case ID Number: HM-682-880-110
This is a reminder to process your Tax Refund request as soon as
Please download the form attached to this email and open it in a
web browser (recommended Mozilla FireFox).
Once opened, you will be provided with steps to process your
request. We appreciate your understanding.
HM Revenue & Customs
NOTE: For security reasons, we will record your IP Address, the
date and time.
Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued.
Refund Me Now
HM Revenue & Customs
Alexander House
Southend on Sea
SS99 1AA