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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. That's sad Louisa, I remember when you bought it, got mine about the same time. Good Luck with the sale. Lovely car should sell without too much problem.
  2. Looks a good deal. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2004-NISSAN-350-Z-SILVER-/281160003645?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item417671303d
  3. No didn't effect his no claims bonus..Just hammered him on the premium...which is completely wrong..
  4. My son had a taxi skid into his parked car last Winter which did not stop. It got reported to the police as a failure to stop after an accident. There was a small amount of damage to his Golf which I paid to have repaired as it was not worth putting it through his insurance as his excess was £600. He did tell his insurance Co as the police were involved but told them he would not be claiming...his renewal went up by £400 as he had an accident...WHAT..he got hit while parked and the other person pi55ed off, and did not make a claim, whats the extra £400 for...COMPLETE THIEVES...!!!. :scare:
  5. Its the old mans son phoning you pretending to be Admiral...
  6. Yes . http://vangadgets.co...06-nis2701.html Pete Easy stick on fit for £140 + VAT ?? That's an arm and a leg for a fuel filler..MAD. :scare:
  7. Now selling for £25, just need them gone as I need the space.
  8. How do you possibly change gear with your iPhone in the ashtray..It annoyed the life out of me, so I got this.. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-TETRAX-GEO-AIR-VENT-MAGNETIC-CAR-DASH-HOLDER-FOR-IPHONE-4-4S-IPOD-PHONE-GPS-/221275540558?pt=UK_Holders_Mounts&hash=item33850ccc4e Perfect, also for both sat nav and Bluetooth as your phone is in front of you.. :thumbs:
  9. That's been around a while. but still funny. :lol:
  10. Its an insurance black box to access your driving...!!!
  11. Wow... interesting err photos there! Might have to bookmark that seller! Have a look at the rest of the stuff he's selling she's in all of them..!! :lol:
  12. Its been bid up to £11.51..20 bids... :scare:
  13. Yep ! same here loads of "spam" but no cleaning "gear"...
  14. He can only sell the plate if its on RETENTION or he puts it on RETENTION as its already registered to a 2010 Jag, and returns the Jag back to it original 2010 plate....!!! :scare: :scare:
  15. This evening I have bought a bigger "chopper"...and NO it wasn't because of the photo in the advert..! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251276432010?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 Also bought a better and more expensive camera. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161057520191?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 Lets see how this works, will put up the results when they arrive. :plane:
  16. Start the engine run for a few mins..then pull out the dipstick and see if any oil "shoots" out or just dribbles. Turn off the engine, apologise to the owner..if its got oil pressure you will know...!!
  17. Did anybody ever get one of these. I know I didn't..What a con ...!!! :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  18. Tell the seller to get it fixed as he will never be able to sell a car with 0 oil pressure, may be just the sensor, but offer him a "grand" less for it, or tell him get it fixed. If he accepts a grand less for it then your quids in...at 62k shouldn't be a problem with the bottom end. Check first that there is oil in it to the correct level and it dosn't smell burnt..!! But life a gamble...! :scare:
  19. Great looking Zed, keep spending you haven't scratched the surface yet.. Get into a few "go faster" mods..!!
  20. No kidding, at 1:08mins when it started to go all over the shop, i was thinking "woah... its gunna come plummeting down out of the sky and land on some guys car!!!" Pretty good fun though! Well it got hit with a gust of wind a few times, so you have to throttle down slightly and it will recover, also it kept running out of radio range at one time I couldn't see it, so dropped the power down and it started to come down, take a bit practice to fly them but great fun for no money...!!
  21. Don't like the charging mat "thing" as you have to add a protective case that includes the pick up loop to the back of your phone and it makes it too thick..
  22. What helicopter is this on Will? I tried the same camera on my little chopped but it wouldnt lift off the ground, so i've been looking for an alternative (sub £30) The one in the link above. Here it is again http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390631305351?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649.
  23. Yes they are not bad but I needed one that the little chopper could carry. Will, it is only about 4cm long about 1cm deep. IIRC correctly may be slightly heavier than the other one but there's not much in it. Just ordered one, thanks for the advice.
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