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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Nice Zed, should have no problem selling it, but as Ian said needs a longer MOT.
  2. Gone back through my posts and cannot find any others which start with "Anybody Going"...!! Sure you will tell me different..
  3. Baby money...! :teeth: You can get a £235 ticket for £90 using the Evening Standard promotion code ES75.
  4. Looks a good event. http://www.salonprivelondon.com/
  5. And a Law Suit..they will all be jumping on the bandwagon..made me infertile etc .. :lol:
  6. I watched it and no one ever said anything was sub standard. I did see it had set entrance mats on fire, blister paint work on buildings, and split tiles. Then watch the interview with the Architect...as I said..he blamed substandard Jag plastic rather than his building design..!
  7. SMD had better watch out...the Architects said the Jag plastic was substandard and cheap..wont have that problem for 8 months of the year in the UK.. :teeth:
  8. You will get on with my wife...!! :surrender:
  9. Well done, don't stay in a job your not happy in, bit like a relationship...find a better one.. :thumbs:
  10. Put a nice LOUD exhaust system on it and you wont notice.. perfectly normal Zed noise
  11. You got to hand it to them , wonder if he's a carpenter..!! :lol:
  12. Didn't expect him to admit it on FB..stick his mugshot on Twitter and ask it anybody knows him or anything about him..
  13. Nobody ever sees my car...saw a 370Z in white the other day, gave him a flash and a wave..he completely ignored me.... :scare:
  14. Yes..Way over priced..but you only need one..!!
  15. No it was Luke who bought it...Ye what happened Luke..?? :teeth:
  16. My Z style valve caps have lasted about 6 months and I live in "thieves" ally... (probably go out now and find them gone.. )
  17. Genuine NISMO Aliminium decal for gear stick. Bought it but never got around to fitting it £5 inc P&P.
  18. Recon it will go for £5k, good price for it seems a decent car. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-UK-SPEC-/271270002270?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f28f3be5e
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