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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Always something to do on your Zed..Glad shes been looked after now.
  2. Ever better Gareth when the put a Rover V8 in a TR7 and called it a TR8, had one that car tried to kill me every time I drove it..!! :scare:
  3. Why bother building this when you have a Ferrari 308GT4 in the garage.. http://www.dailymail...a-supercar.html
  4. Lovely bit of kit... :thumbs:
  5. I love the bit that said Exact Replica..!!!! :lol: Who are they kidding..!!
  6. Amateur mechanic spends £15,000 and five years transforming 1990 Ford Granada into exact replica of £1million Zonda supercar http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2921570/Amateur-mechanic-spends-15-000-five-years-transforming-1990-Ford-Granada-exact-replica-1million-Zonda-supercar.html
  7. A while back I saw a milk float clamped in Hampstead, while the milkman was delivering to a block of flats, the clampers came along gave it a ticket and clamped it..!!!! WTF...
  8. Sprint Booster Generation II selectable for NISSAN 350Z, 370Z, Pathfinder Teana http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sprint-Booster-Generation-II-selectable-for-NISSAN-350Z-370Z-Pathfinder-Teana-/261012240664
  9. Welcome to The Land of Zed. Nice mods, keep it up.
  10. Probably cut the wires to the heater, or the motors...
  11. Williams says 2015 Formula 1 car nose rule change has big effect, http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/117410
  12. Great looking car, "a lot of flash for no cash"... :thumbs:
  13. This should do well . :thumbs: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=a33ba08d163385b4a77fabf6c&id=8806205a1f
  14. Here ATTAK Z.. http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wirelessrouters/ss/router_ssid.htm
  15. You can call your Wi-Fi what ever you like...mine originally was just boringly said "Will-Home" so I spiced it up a bit..!!! M15 Surveillance Van 3. Bet I get a call from the neighbours tomorrow.
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