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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Welcome to the Forum.. PM..Zmanalex for all you need.
  2. Her tracking device is my mobile phone... Turn it off then. Can't calls from my office get diverted to my mob after 5... :angry:
  3. Her tracking device is my mobile phone...
  4. Thanks Alex. Is it possible that somebody was using a "grabber" as that's how my Merc and my mates went.
  5. No' have parked in this spot at the same time for a few hours for the last 6 months without a problem...and whats wrong with :scare:
  6. Well done Daryl, Congratulations mate . Have a long and Happy Life together.
  7. Parked this evening in my usual place and pressed the remote to lock the car, but it wouldn't lock, so thought it must be the battery in the remote. Locked it manually with the key. When I opened it with the key the alarm went off until I got the key into the ignition and started it. . Got home and now the remote works fine and locks and opens the car..!! My mate had this prob with his Scuby as well a while back. First time its happened to the Zed, sure somebody out there knows the answer. :scare:
  8. Have a look at this one .. http://getpebble.com/
  9. Good set up. Thanks for your help on Fri last, all parts arrived this morning, great service.
  10. I going to order one, bet they are not cheap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uMaZZZsTe_g
  11. +10000000000 I've told you a trillion times about exaggerating!! Also anyone who thinks this is a good thing to do should avoid posting in this thread Looks like a dog dragging its ass along the carpet..
  12. Just get it repaired when it wears.
  13. Ask them for a copy of the 20 year service Nissan Tech. (You sure they don't mean a 20 year old Nissan Tech). If he did his job properly he would not have missed those faults..
  14. Welcome to the Forum. .. I ran mine all this Winter in snow, picked it up in Jan. No real problems, just good fun as its easier to drift..
  15. You sure this car not been in a shunt...did you run a HPI check on it ?..
  16. Welcome to the Land of Zed... Sure you will find the answers here.
  17. They are made by Griffin and are about £5 on fleabay, got one and its very useful for iPhone Sat/nav etc.
  18. Got mine from Alex, Arrived next day. Put Molyslip in supplied by Alex and the change is 100% smoother, well worth doing
  19. Front or Rear...Rear is fine, but if you buy from the USA the fronts the bean will shine to the wrong side of the road.. :scare:
  20. I agree it better and safer with smoked rear LEDs rather than the black, The colour is Kuro Black and I think I cleaned it before that pic was taken at Brands. Its a bit unusual with the gold wheels and door handles etc : I like it and it get noticed as all Zeds should.
  21. Went in a bit hot and under steered off into the barrier..anybody we know ?
  22. Nothing apart from about £20...I bought a new Peugeot one for £12 and its the same as a Zed one and fits perfectly.
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