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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. You must live in a remote village in Scotland..!!
  2. Yours is the 276 engine though isn't it? So 'shouldn't' use excessive oil. Yes' one of the last ones made in 2006.
  3. Nice find for 99p and free postage...with a day to go.. .
  4. Sorry to hear that Flexib..some people are complete s***ts, I had both nicked off the X5 and cost £580 to replace them. There was a set of Zed ones on Fleabay recently, cannot remember the colour.. :thumbdown:
  5. Mine does not use any oil and its got 80k on the clock, if its using that much in 1400 miles I would look for a leak or do a compression test as it may be rings, how many miles on the clock ?.
  6. Done very easy, 5mins...but managed to put both bulbs in wrong way round at first attempt so just changed then around and both worked ...nice light.
  7. Great pics...some are a little bit before my time..!
  8. Heres another view of the Alonso, Webber Taxi Ride..Was close.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1HO91FVHIRY
  9. A great video about the Turbo Era.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HjvgmfPoJ5M
  10. OK, but aren't the turbos back next year..?..
  11. Lets not forget McLaren are back next year with Honda Turbo engines... I'm sure everybody on here remember last time McLaren and Honda teamed up and had a certain Mr Senna and Prost as drivers...
  12. Great to see it getting sorted..Will look great when finished.
  13. I always wave or give a quick "flash" to fellow Zedders, but don't always get one back, So don't be shy out there "give Marmite" a wave..!!
  14. NO...needing to change cars is always there... Got into Triumphs,TR3A, TR4, TR6, never had a 5, then BMW from a 2002 ti to a M5, Saab 900 Turbo with full Carlson kit, Mercs from 190 cossy to AMGs to S500, Fords XR3i to RS280T to a Escort Cosworth and many in between. Had at least 5 Jags from MK2 to Mk10 then to XJ6s. Sumbean Lotus...List is endless. Actually this is the first Jap proper performance car I have, did have a Lexus RX300 I just love cars I really dont know how many cars I have had.
  15. Great looking Zed...When I was your age or younger I had 11 different cars in a year including a 4.2 E Type Jag, a 7 liter Jensen Inerceptor, Lotus Elan S2 (orignal one) Lotus Cortina A Series, and many more so I can understand your changing them.
  16. So it was the switch then ? How did you get the covers off the interior lights do the whole unit come out of the car roof including the sunglasses case. ?
  17. It still works on my link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hStcyDj830Q
  18. Sounds a good event. I did autotests in a mini many many moons ago, really enjoyed it.
  19. Yes done it many times..even yesterday...
  20. Phew..!! I just ordered some from eBay..fortunately I have ordered the correct ones...Didn't know about the heat shield problem. ..
  21. I have put it in my top 10 of driving video...
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