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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Will be my pleasure to carry on dealing with Clarks just the same as I did with Alex. Actually Clarks have already supplied me with a clutch slave cylinder kid, which was exactly what I wanted and arrived the next day.. :thumbs:
  2. Gears.get a service kit for the Gearbox from Clarks Motorsport (used to be Zmanalex). New gearbox oil and molyslip, works wonders, I had the same problem and now its gone, real slick changes.
  3. Hi Scotty, I have just PM you. .
  4. Shame really as you could cover them with film and you would not see the chip on them, where they got hit with a stone.
  5. I still got these for sale if somebody would like to take them off my hands. Rapidly running out of room
  6. WhackyWill

    Old man hoops

    FK 453 would be ideal for your Zed. Got them on mine. Good tyre and recommended on here...
  7. I know, saw it in my mates Merc so bought one, and never got around to using it, so hopefully some other Zed owner will make use of it.
  8. Hi Briggs. Here is a little video of the display, you can position it in any position on the screen, hope this helps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xpOOYPQAtAA
  9. Here is a short video of the display working . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOOYPQAtAA&feature=player_detailpage
  10. With Lexus lights.. ..nobody on here will own up to that one...
  11. Welcome to the Land of Zed.. ..nice looking car. Wouldn't worry about the extra tax, its two tanks of fuel over a year .
  12. Don't expect me to get everything right, I'm in the pub...!!!
  13. Yes should be, are they genuine Nissan or OEM ?
  14. Hi Dibs. ..Lets us know what you want to do, Cheers mate. PM him Will Thanks will do mate.
  15. Hi Dibs. ..Lets us know what you want to do, Cheers mate.
  16. . I never used it so I cannot take one, my mate has one in his Merc and said it works very well. .
  17. Theres one on the cover of the box in the first pic. .
  18. Its just plug & play, Sorry two of the pics are upside down, don't know what happened there. PM me if you want it.
  19. I sold a couple of these on her a while ago, I have now managed to get another two, if anybody is interested, 8/12/13. Does. MPH, REVS, BATTERY VOLTAGE, ENGINE TEMP, THROTTLE RESPONSE, SHIFT LIGHT. and other stuff I don't understand. It's OBD 11 Interface. £35 + PP £4,50 signed for.
  20. Just seen it in eBay before coming here and was considering sending the seller the same message. That's a Peugeot one I'm afraid, cost less than £30 brand new. New Peugeot one is £12 - 50, and fits perfectly, but not double sided, with the Nissan one you can put thinks inside it. .
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