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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Is it possible to put back the decals after you have wrapped it .
  2. This is what I use works a treat, can be bought on eBay
  3. WhackyWill


    Only 2 hours to go, looks like they could make over £400, even at that they are cheap.
  4. Very sad news...RIP Maria de Villota. I knew her Father very well when he did the British F1 Championship.
  5. Don't tell me you put it off at Paddock on the first lap out of the pits...??
  6. Great to see Dario leaving hospital, wish him a speedy recovery. Lucky guy.
  7. Im sure some of the Insurance Traders on here like Sky, Adrian Flux etc, will be along to enlighten us.
  8. Welcome to the Land of Zed. Post a few pics.
  9. No Vlad, I'm not, as you wanted one as well and that one had been sold rather than disappoint you the person I bought mine from had a few more so I got one for you. I can sell you CCTV Cameras and Systems.
  10. Great Vid Will, you going to get one ?.or are you happy with your Dub.
  11. Hi Chris. Glad it all arrived OK, as I said I never used it, so what colour are the LEDs'. ? Another member on here wanted one so I got another from my mate, that I got that one from, think he has a couple more if anybody else is interested in one, just let me know.
  12. Hi Scotty, I have just PM you. . Scotty did you get my PM ?.
  13. Yes I agree the Ombudsman is the most logical step, but that will take another 2 years, that's how long they quote due to the number of claims. I sure that's what the bank want me to do, SuperStu' its the same bloke I ask for all the time I call them, I'm now been told "he's not in today, on leave, or at a meeting", so he's obviously put me on his "not to be put through list".
  14. I am owed almost £5k by one of the big 4 banks, They agreed they owed me the money over two years ago on 3 different loans, after almost 18 months of letters by me, most of which they didn't bother to answer, they sent me a "final settlement figure of just under £5k" I signed to accept this and sent them back the paperwork on the 22nd of May by recorder delivery, (they accept they have received it) they stated they will settle agreed claims within 30 days, I have written to them on at least 5 occasions again and also called them about 10 times, to be told they are dealing with it, which I don't believe, they keep sending me leaflets to go to the Ombudsman, WHY..They have agreed it, I have accepted it....so please pay me, they STOLE it off me to start with, and now they don't want to pay it.. ANYBODY ELSE HAD SIMILAR PROBLEMS..?? (rant over but £5k is a few mods and a holliday.)
  15. Great sound. I shipped a Golf engine from Scotland to London on a pallet for £50.
  16. Welcome to the forum. ..price about right for a Cab this time of year, bit more in Spring. Nice looking car.
  17. WhackyWill


    Yes' and I'm the highest bidder at the moment as I also need a set... Sorry....I will stop advertising these wheels! I just been outbid...need to put £600 on them ... :lol:
  18. is that a little boy you hide under the bonnet and shout at when you wish to change gear Yes...
  19. WhackyWill


    Yes' and I'm the highest bidder at the moment as I also need a set...
  20. I have Gold rims and I have curbed them a few times, I got Humbrol Enamel Paint in 14mm pots, its for models, lots of different colours, got it on eBay not expensive. .
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