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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Think Vettel would have got a bit more respect if he dedicated his win to Maria de Villota...
  2. Welcome to the Land of Zed..
  3. . That move was always going to end in tears.
  4. Get a gearbox oil kit from Clarks/ Zmanalex and change the oil and put in molyslip, it will change smooth all the time, did mine what a difference it made.
  5. Hope your up to watch it live Daryl. :thumbs:
  6. Love the dual induction system..Good mods. Keep the coming.
  7. The Spanish have said she died of natural causes, dont know how they can come to that conclusion in such a short time, she was only 33 and I'm sure they need to do an autopsy to establish how she died. VERY SAD DAY. Maria De Villota death linked to 2012 crash injuries, family told Spanish racing driver Maria De Villota died as a consequence of the injuries she suffered during a crash last year, her family have been told. De Villota, 33, was found dead in a hotel room in Seville, Spain on Friday. The Formula 1 reserve driver lost her right eye in a crash in July 2012, while testing for the Marussia team.
  8. Paint warranty is only 3 years. Perforation from corrosion is 6 years or 12 years depending on the vehicle. So paint is only 3 years. :surrender:
  9. I have a few starting same place on my 06..may be a common problem.
  10. Looks like a pretty bad start to. Winter :surrender: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/436170/Worst-winter-for-decades-Record-breaking-snow-predicted-for-November
  11. Don't worry Grosjean will have Ham, Vet, and Web off on the first corner... :lol:
  12. Doesn't look a lot of damage, cracking price, and I'm sure you could get them down a bit more. .. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2006-NISSAN-350Z-SILVER-Light-Damage-Easy-Repair-REPAIRABLE-SALVAGE-CAT-C-/261304953583?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3cd6fd2aef
  13. Its a bit of an ugly mother, and far too expensive
  14. The Spanish have said she died of natural causes, dont know how they can come to that conclusion in such a short time, she was only 33 and I'm sure they need to do an autopsy to establish how she died. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/motor-racing/f1-driver-maria-de-villota-found-dead-in-spanish-hotel-room-8873483.html
  15. Went bust in 2012. Invicta owner Michael Bristow saw his dream die when his company, maker of the £150,000 super-coupé Invicta S1, was wound up last week over an unpaid £40,000 debt. The Westpoint Car Company (formerly the Invicta Car Company), which built the cars, was issued with a winding up order by Bath County Court. The order was bought after the presentation of a petition presented to the court by Robert Fountain, of County Durham. Bristow had had long harboured a desire to relaunch the historic Invicta marque and after acquiring the name in 1980 his first effort, the S1, designed by Leigh Adams, debuted at the 2002 Birmingham Motor Show. Ten years ago, he said: "If the S1 sells, then we will survive. If it doesn't, we don't deserve to survive." Although Bristow said he had created a firm that could survive making just a handful of cars per year, in 10 years he says, "the handfuls weren't enough". In spite of efforts to restructure the company and a last-minute change of name to protect the Invicta marque from a fourth financial collapse in its 87-year history, Bristow appears to have now admitted defeat. "With the collapse of Lehman Brothers and subsequent credit crunch," he said, "the market for £150,000-plus sports cars has suffered severely and Invicta, sadly, has not been immune to this recession." The Invicta name joins a long litany of attempts to revamp once-proud British car makers. Invicta was founded in 1925 by Captain (later Sir) Noel Macklin after the sugar magnate Oliver Lyle (of Tate and Lyle) failed to find a car for his wife, who couldn't change gear. Macklin set up Invicta at his home in Cobham, Surrey, producing a series of sports saloons and dropheads of such quality and performance they eventually bankrupted the company several times. Bristow's attempt to reinvent the name was paved with good intentions, but now it joins the BRM, Vanwall, Austin Healey, Connaught and Lea Francis badges as failed rebirths.
  16. The Spanish have said she died of natural causes, dont know how they can come to that conclusion in such a short time, she was only 33 and I'm sure they need to do an autopsy to establish how she died.
  17. Great pics ; Lovely car.
  18. Fair bit overpriced at £12k, Good luck with it . It just makes our cars worth more. ..
  19. Welcome to the Land of Zed...
  20. No decals are on the wheel, symbols are on the switches..(just went out in the rain to check)..!!
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