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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Welcome to the Land of Zed... Run it with your air con on and it should even out the tickover at about 850 rpm.
  2. Thats amazing for a 20 year old, with 1 years experience..
  3. Nice job. Yes' there is a debate about small plates, It depends where you live, nobody in London bothers, but it seems in rural areas they are getting pulled, just keep the correct size one in the boot..
  4. Its very dangerous to leave your car to warm up..My neighbour last Winter left his Merc on his driveway warming the engine, he went in to get an ice scraper when he came back out some "spotty scrote" was ragging it down the road..!! :scare:
  5. Caught a Pelican while shark fishing for Barracuda in Antigua.... :thumbs:
  6. Makes a change from my "drivers window " wont go up.. :scare:
  7. I give mine a few mins to warm up before starting off.
  8. This is hilarious.. :thumbs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TN8YQVM1GQI
  9. Yep I'll certainly send £14k to Bulgaria...!! :scare:
  10. Great watch, very enjoyable, just about to send to my mate who has a Boxster.. :thumbs:
  11. Certainly not worth £6k. 02 JDM with those lights...more like £4...!!
  12. Now here's one..This morning I was emerging onto the High Rd N2 from a side road, in front of me was a Porsche 4x4, woman driving, I waited for her to pull out into the High Rd...I waited...I waited...no traffic coming still wont move, so I thought she had broken down so I pulled alongside to go around her...GUESS WHAT....SHE WAS TEXTING...!!!! :rant:
  13. Onto the what now? Eh??? Bee see Dee Eee EFF Dont mess the post up, its for people who are pi55ed off with bad driving..!! :surrender:
  14. No ..Drive your Zed in Winter as well, It will thank you rather than sticking it in a plastic sheet for 4 months.. :thumbs:
  15. When my old lady gives me grief about my driving, I threaten to put her in the boot..!!
  16. I just followed a new reg Merc for a few miles this eve in stop start traffic in London. Every time it hit its brakes SEVEN LED lights lit up in front of me, three either side and the high level one. It was like looking down a Laser every few hundred yards. Surely there must be a way to control this between town driving and motorway driving. Maybe anything under 40 MPH you get a certain intensity light and over that you get full LED brake lights. Surely this would not be a problem for car manufacturers to sort out given the new electronic technology in cars.. Anybody agree..?? :scare:
  17. Its the cruise control settings on the Fiat Bravo that's the problem.... :lol:
  18. £6 is that all, It costs £8 in London for a couple of monkeys to climb all over you car and badly wash it, or scratch it. I never take the Zed anywhere near them. But that hand car wash look good.
  19. Yep..Had a builders van do that to me on the M25 on Tue..nearly took the front of my poor Z, to be honest I don't think he even indicated, I was too busy trying to avoid him to notice. :rant:
  20. You should run the air con as it keeps the tickover from running "lumpy".. Thats fine running without the A/C on.
  21. Never had a problem. It just passed its MOT, had BMW on my X5 and my son's got VW symbol on his Golf, never a prob. :thumbs: .
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