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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Put up a link and I'm sure the members on here will be able to advise you on what its worth
  2. Good Luck, plenty about.
  3. Just jet some smoked ones and you wont notice..
  4. Totally agree, want to see him "whoop" Grosjeans a55..!!
  5. Has to be another Red Bull walkover this evening..Who will be 3rd ?..
  6. I did rallycross for a few years, great fun. :thumbs:
  7. :lol: better start panic buying bread and water and a shovel...
  8. Hope its not true.. :scare: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/443462/Winter-2013-expected-to-be-worst-since-1947-with-heavy-and-persistent-snow-forecast-for-UK
  9. Sounds like you haven't yet mastered the new clutch. double de-clutch on change downs.
  10. WhackyWill

    VIP 350Z

    Just Great.. :thumbs:
  11. Is that why you styled your car like that? To minimise the "spotty scrote" theory whilst marmite warm up!!?? If you bothered to read the build thread of Marmite, you would realise that I DID not style Marmite but Builder 49 a member on here did, and I'm glad he sold it to me and not to a Stealer, :lol: :scare: .
  12. Welcome to the Land if Zed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. We are using them in our new generation DVRs.
  14. The fuel cost per mile in my Zed is 0.36p. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Very true Ricky, I would worry if my oil pressure was that low. Mine runs 30 psi on tickover and 60 psi at 2500 rpm, which is about right and my lump done 80k.. :scare:
  16. Good Price should sell. this time.
  17. Try a company called Just stainless steel, they have a web site.
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