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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Enjoy Lexx , Welcome back. :thumbs:
  2. Sound Gurus..East End Rd. 0208 883 0148...excellent service. http://www.soundgurus.com/contact-soundgurus-finchley-north-london
  3. Can you use it with the case on the phone, is it adjustable enough for the IPhone 5. Thanks.
  4. Wouldn't do it with Zed..very inaccurate gauge.
  5. Emergency boot release, by the sound of it.
  6. I use this excellent results. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Beat this...£80 back on the road..!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Suzuki-samurai-sj-413-off-roader-monster-truck-spares-or-repair-/131058941675?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1e83b8beeb
  8. How about this then... :scare: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35cf0f33fd More like it! Seems whacky has used up all my emoticon allowance ... :lol: :lol:
  9. I'm not laughing, I think that's a great example. I can only think your comment is aimed at the the price?! Not sure how much these go for though If you got £14k its all yours..!! :surrender: But I think the gist of the thread was to find utter heaps where people obviously have dire taste. That's a great example and as I said I don't know the worth but it doesn't meet the above criteria How about this then... :scare: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1991-VAUXHALL-NOVA-GSI-UNFINISHED-PROJECT-/231107146749?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item35cf0f33fd
  10. I'm not laughing, I think that's a great example. I can only think your comment is aimed at the the price?! Not sure how much these go for though If you got £14k + its all yours or even more as its got 2 days to go...!! :surrender:
  11. Make your own mind up..!! :scare: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200994585894?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  12. Zeds don't get older just the drivers... :scare:
  13. Yep see a few pics on here of Zeds with a bike rack..
  14. Hi Arran. I was lucky and bought a set of JDM ones from a member on here. Alex quoted me £280 inc delivery for a genuine Nissan set, which was a very good price :thumbs:
  15. I got a set of the American ones about £157 plus postage of £25 and £33 import duty, after about a month one stopped working there was a loose connection on the PC board and as they were a sealed unit you could not open them, cost me £40 to return them got my £157 back but was still £98 out of pocket. Maybe I was just unlucky..I then got a set of genuine ones and no problem. Zmanalex / Clarks have them in stock and a very good price as well.
  16. Looks a very bad wreck. RIP Paul.
  17. Excellent price, sound good as well. Wish they were nearer and I would be paying them a visit.
  18. This particular Helicopter has been known to have tail rotor problems, which could have been the cause but who knows, I'm just glad that the pilot had time to switch off the fuel supply thus avoiding an explosion and a fire, that doesn't bare thinking about in such a confined space.
  19. You need a copy of this companies procedure in dealing with this. They have to have HR guidelines on this. Make sure this will not affect her getting a reference from this Company in the future. They are not allowed to give her a negative reference. They can refuse to give a reference, but thats all. This all seems a bit extreme for such a trivial matter..!!
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