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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. It all depends on your gut instinct of the seller, I transferred the money for my Zed to a Member on here on a Friday and did not pick up the car until the following Monday, I knew there wouldn't be problem. I wouldn't advise this for everybody.
  2. Only because you don't have a choice in a kart, left foot brake or crash...!!! :scare: I hear you, I love to kart, but as soon as I get in a car my left foot only does up and down, no finesse. In a kart it just feels right. I guess for me it's like footy, left foot for standing on, right for skillz. Given some private road and someone else's car, I'm sure it's learnable. But you already agree you can USE left foot braking with finesse, just transfer that learning to your car, if your choice was crashing in your car or using your redundant left foot to hit the brakes ask your subsconscious what it would do..! :surrender:
  3. Only because you don't have a choice in a kart, left foot brake or crash...!!! :scare:
  4. You haven't lived... :scare:
  5. How do you drive a Go Kart....LEFT FOOT BRAKING, and I'll bet you don't have a problem with that..people seem to have so much of a problem transferring left foot braking from a kart to a car pedals are the same (except for a non gearbox kart). .. :thumbs: .
  6. Not sure if this is 100% accurate ....didn't do it at Combe and wasn't over taken once apart from the first 2-3 warm up laps. Might give it a go next year and time my laps! Depends in which class you were running in and against what cars, it is quicker and so much smoother and sympathetic on the car.
  7. Check this out..I know it American..!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=U4MS5pNGbOU
  8. You will never go fast on a track day unless you learn how to heel and toe, so easy to do with a little practice.
  9. *Waits with baited breath* This will all end in tears...! :scare:
  10. Yep...Nat West and RBS on line services have CRASHED AGAIN this afternoon and this evening.. :rant:
  11. There are replica "carbon" ones on fleabay which look pretty cool.
  12. Happy Birthday Lewisdavid . Have a good one.
  13. Happy Birthday Hornzee, Have a good one..
  14. All of them.... :thumbs: :thumbs:
  15. PM Zmanalex. /Clark sure they can supply you one..
  16. I already poster some pics of that a while back from the Tokyo Motor Show..! :blush:
  17. My mate left his 911 at a garage for a service, he was told 2 days as it needed a bit of work as well the Official Receiver moved into the garage and they seized his car as an asset of the garage, took him over 2 months to get it back, and then they tried to charge him £600 storage (and the work never got done)...WTF... :angry:
  18. My mates got a TVR he can only use it in the Summer, its not an every day car like the Zed...
  19. Good price for wheels and tyres.
  20. I cannot understand people who damage others property and then just drive off, complete D**ck Heads. :rant:
  21. No still not working...404 error....
  22. Hard to say pic wont open....
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