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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. I bow to your superior knowledge Lexx. It just looked similar. It's the earlier model. Like the 350 compared to 370 if you like. The E52 is out now, but I think there are only about 3 in the UK. They look very nice..wouldn't mind one. :thumbs: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2008-FRESH-IMPORT-NEW-SHAPE-NISSAN-ELGRAND-4-WHEEL-DRIVE-E52-51-V6-8-SEATER-MPV-/251278594413?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3a815f116d
  2. I bow to your superior knowledge Lexx. It just looked similar.
  3. A beautiful Zed, Do you know the history of it ?.
  4. a big fine Possibly not even that if Nick Freeman is representing him. Just read up about him. Christ he gets a lot of celeb's off their fines etc. A fair few of them though still get done, just less than they would normally. Will be interesting to see what happens to Derek. I think the footballers round here have him on speed dial! ( pun intended ) . They can afford him, or the Club pays. bet some have a clause in their contract.."If I get nicked get Freeman"..!! :lol:
  5. a big fine And BANNED..So there will be a 370Z with a bit of damage up for grabs..!!! ;)
  6. A loaded psychic...not good..at least he knows what he getting for Christmas...!! !. :lol:
  7. Nearly £1,500 for a clutch..cant wait for the rest of your mods.
  8. Looks very nice, need to do mine soon..
  9. I have never used cruise since..and I got it in my Zed.
  10. I was in traffic on the motorway but not that heavy down to Le Mans, coach in front slowed , I touched the brakes to disengage the cruise nothing happened..hit the brakes again NOTHING, so by this time the coach had stopped and we had not...! (later the car hire company found that the disengage switch on the brakes was faulty.) :scare: Sound's nasty & scary too WhackyWill. Hope you weren't hurt at all. No were were all fine , I did bash my knee on the bulkhead and had a big bruise for a while , but made a mess of our Renault hire car. :scare:
  11. What benefits do you get by just having a re-map without fitting any of the mods ? .
  12. B&Q do some nice fluorescent strip lights, you can get them on line as well
  13. I don't think there is any difference. I have just gone through the thread and according to Marzman who bought one the display has a slight blue tint to it. everything else is as in the video. There is a difference - the one in the video is white, and these are green. Secondly the one in the video has a second, smaller numeric readout (in green on the video) - which is not present on this model. Look at the photos of the unit, you can see there is no smaller display above the main one. This is not to put anyone off buying one - im happy with mine, it's just not the one in the video. Thanks for clearing that up Marzman, as I said I never got around to trying it out when i got them.
  14. I don't think there is any difference. I have just gone through the thread and according to Marzman who bought one the display has a slight blue tint to it. everything else is as in the video.
  15. I sold a few of these on here a while back, I have managed to get another two if anybody is still interested, a few people PM me asking f I could get any more £35 is the price I get them for.... .
  16. This happened around Hampstead and Highgate..?? I drive around there every day and nobody said "diddly"...!!!.
  17. I was in traffic on the motorway but not that heavy down to Le Mans, coach in front slowed , I touched the brakes to disengage the cruise nothing happened..hit the brakes again NOTHING, so by this time the coach had stopped and we had not...! (later the car hire company found that the disengage switch on the brakes was faulty.) :scare:
  18. I restore a 1935 Railton Tourer straight 8, for 2 years between 84 to 86 cost me about £28k sold it to a very happy French man for £16k a year or so later. :surrender:
  19. PM Zmanalex ... must have some.
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