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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. I couldn't believe people standing around on the road and its all happening around them... I would be over the fence RAPIDO..!! :scare:
  2. This is unbelievable..! :scare: http://www.wisn.com/news/south-east-wisconsin/waukesha/RAW-Video-captures-Hwy-41-45-pileup/-/10150328/23398364/-/volbqw/-/index.html
  3. I work at the dartford tunnels and very rarely see a z Aston martins are more common than a 350z lol.. May be we should all meet up for a tunnel run for a blast. Great idea, I hammer through there on my way back from Brands. Blackwall Tunnel is another of my favorites but you get a fair bit of traffic in the Blackwall at times.
  4. Welcome George (The G Man)
  5. It's OBD 11 Interface. That means nothing to me! Where would I actual plug it into? Hi Randy. You plug it into the same port under the dash as you would a code reader. I'm sure somebody on here has a pic of its location, if not I'll try and photograph its location this evening when home. This is a pic of the OBD port where it plugs into.
  6. It's OBD 11 Interface. That means nothing to me! Where would I actual plug it into? Hi Randy. You plug it into the same port under the dash as you would a code reader. I'm sure somebody on here has a pic of its location, if not I'll try and photograph its location this evening when home.
  7. You need to get a "radio expander" if you have a Jap Radio for it to work in the UK..and if you have a Jap Sat Nav..forget it it wont work at all.. :surrender:
  8. Happy Birthday Ian . Have a good one...
  9. Isn't this the one where there was a very bad fire and a lot of people died..?? :scare:
  10. Good Story, should have started "Once upon a time in the Land of Zed"... :thumbs:
  11. I use the underpass at Hyde Park or the Rotherhithe Tunnel. If there is no traffic about I hammer it through the Dartford Tunnel, Love tunnels. :thumbs:
  12. Lovely Zed, right price, should sell no problem.
  13. Going through the Carousel the camera fell off and all they had for 10 secs was the floor, passenge put it back in place. :thumbs:
  14. Great interactive Web site.
  15. Dont think it was a Zed...looked more like a TT. Do you know who Jan is. ? His son is racing in 2014 for McLaren in F1..!
  16. This is a must watch video of somebody who knows how to drive a road going Corvette. around the Ring. :thumbs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aMlAqzLT98c
  17. Just tell us how old you are Dicky and then we will decide whether to forgive you or send you to Specsavers..!!! ;)
  18. I have just emailed them for a price and full spec..!! :scare:
  19. Check out the thread "They shouldn't be on the road." :scare:
  20. I really don't know , but I'm sure somebody will know.
  21. That would be good, lets not miss the boat with this one, once its announced they reckon they will be booked out in a day or two, My contact there is Mel, so if any thing else you need to know shoot her an email. Oh nice, thats who was replying on the email Thats good as she's very helpful. Probably get a reply tomorrow as it's late now, just asked a few questions regarding return, guessing its down to us etc, but are the train/ferry return tickets So I'll post up when I find out. Would be tempted to divert on the way back and head to the Italian mountains Some great roads in Italy to have fun on..
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