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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. I hit a wild boar sitting in the middle of the road in rural France at about 60 mph wrote off the boar and wrote off another Renault hire car.. :scare:
  2. Last Sat morning about 9 to 9.30am breath checks outside TESCO car park..!!. I normally just walk to my local for a few pints on Fri evening, don't bother the rest of the week. If we go out for a meal, I get a cab (well I don't have to now I got one in the garage.. :lol: )..
  3. Just go to FancyPlates.com and get your plates made while your waiting for the DVLA to catch up.
  4. That's complete bull sh1T...I have sold all my cars while I put my private plate on retention and then put back the original plate for the car, no problem as long as you have a receipt and the green section of the log book and the transfer is pending..!! :scare:
  5. With Xmas upon us I would like to share a personal experience with my friends on here about drinking and driving. As you may know some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time on the way home after a "social session" with friends. Well last night I was out for an evening with my mates and had more than several beers followed by a couple of bottles of some rather nice red wine. Although feeling jolly I still had the sense to know that I might be slightly over the limit. That's when I did something that I've never done before - I took a cab ! Sure enough on the way home there was a police roadblock but since it was a cab they waved it past and I arrived home safely without incident. This was a real surprise, as I had never driven a cab before, I don't know where I got it from and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it. So if you want to borrow it do please PM me, you can have it with pleasure ..!!! :scare:
  6. Your probably right, they will hit Pistonheads and Auto a Trader next..! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sorry ro88ie to hear this, could be the previous owners ran it on less than 98 octane fuel but that results in top end and piston problems been a few going bang recently...wonder what oil they used when servicing it. :blush:
  8. Plus "so the collection date will be 2 weeks later" Trading Standard or Inland Revenue, who would be most interested ? I'll re word it just to be clear. He said he wasn't in until the auction ended... I interpreted that as I couldn't come and see it! Just seems a bit iffy to me along with his low feedback score and previous feedback comment. Lovely looking car though! Yes all sound a bit dodgy, bet a zero feedback buyer..!!
  9. Only 3 hours to go and its just over £6k, this is one cheap GT4... :yahoo:
  10. What I sold my E Type Jag, Lotus Cortina, Lotus Elan, TR6 and other classics that I had which are now making a fortune, that makes me very teary eyed... :dance:
  11. . Chris at Tarmac (a trader on here) just bought one, check it out with him.
  12. Yes, got it, very good book. Another great book is "Nissan 300ZX, 350Z, The Z-car story by Brian Long" @ £34 - 99.
  13. Would you want to put them on a Zed.. ? Please tell us what size they are and I'm sure we will be able to tell you if they fit..
  14. Bet somebody on here knows a contact , anybody tried to PM him. +1 To be honest when I ordered mine I dont think he had been online a for while but still got back to me very prompt. Worth a PM as Whacky says :scare: Just PM him, lets see what happens, would be great to see a revival of those .
  15. Bet somebody on here knows a contact , anybody tried to PM him.
  16. Sounds like its a blocked oil breather
  17. I keep getting asked what I want for Christmas, There really is only one answer and here it is : :yahoo: http://458speciale.ferrari.com/en/
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