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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Even half way he has to find £6.5k...that makes it a very expensive Zed..!! :surrender:
  2. Cannot wait ..suspense is killing me..so going to the pub..!! :yahoo:
  3. Needs a rear wing Pete.
  4. Found thise if any use. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item336e5612a0 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2006-NISSAN-350Z-ENGINE-HIGH-REV-VVT-TYPE-ENGINE-/230851773952?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item35bfd68600
  5. HOW MUCH..!!! That's a ridiculous price. PM Zmanalex, I'm sure he can help.. hope you get it sorted soon.
  6. Their letter slot is about 2/3 the size of my letter box, I always check if it will fit through my letter box and when I get to the post office, no mate wont fit through the slot has to go parcel post that will be double the normal post... :rant:
  7. If its come out of a breaker's then they would not know the history of it, I'm afraid it's pot luck but with low mileage it lessens the risk, there 3 months warranty on it. Bought a second hand engine for my boys Golf recently and it was fine.
  8. With all the recent DE engine problems on here, this seem a very low mileage replacement one and not a lot of money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-FAIRLDAY-350Z-VQ35DE-ENGINE-2003-2006-/251408350196?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3a891afbf4
  9. Common sense is so uncommon these days, it should be considered a superpower! Based on a fairly recent thread on here, I think it's clear what the reason for all these failures is... warming the engine up whilst stationary. I agree, sitting outside your house with 6000 rpm on the clock for 10 mins so the heater works when you drive off... :lol:
  10. F1 to go electric by 2020..these old boys will turn in their grave... :scare: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lxVUrb8NyWQ
  11. I just use a LED torch even in the daytime to get it back properly in the hole.
  12. Excellent vid, some great Zeds there..
  13. Should make about £5 mill, will probably go to a museum like the Donnington Collection, but I doubt they can afford it. maybe my old mate Klaus Zwaart (he ownes Ascari Cars) might buy it for his private track in Spain to go with his Benetton F1 Collection..Oh ! to be a Billionaire..
  14. Click the first link - big end is knocking - sounds like a bag of nails Doo ! didn't realise there was a vid..sounded like a buzz saw on crack..lot of bottom end failures recently. :scare: Thats what I thought when Luke brought it round, having just part X'd a working engine for one with a blown bottom end - scary stuff CHECK YOUR OIL LEVELS EVERYONE! There's a current thread on "Broken Engines" not a very good advert for our Zeds..!! :scare: No point in hiding the truth Will, there does seem to a bit of a cavalier or casual attitude by some newer owners with regard to checking oil, allied to that, some of these cars are 10 or 11 years old and previous history can be hard to establish accurately. Add to that "det" problems caused by 95 Ron fuel in DE engines then it's going to happen. http://www.350z-uk.c..._hl__detonation I have to agree Girnet. That's it in a nut shell...! :blush:
  15. Click the first link - big end is knocking - sounds like a bag of nails Doo ! didn't realise there was a vid..sounded like a buzz saw on crack..lot of bottom end failures recently. :scare: Thats what I thought when Luke brought it round, having just part X'd a working engine for one with a blown bottom end - scary stuff CHECK YOUR OIL LEVELS EVERYONE! There's a current thread on "Broken Engines" not a very good advert for our Zeds..!! :scare:
  16. Click the first link - big end is knocking - sounds like a bag of nails Doo ! didn't realise there was a vid..sounded like a buzz saw on crack..lot of bottom end failures recently. :scare: Thats what I thought when Luke brought it round, having just part X'd a working engine for one with a blown bottom end - scary stuff CHECK YOUR OIL LEVELS EVERYONE! That looks like 5 in the past few weeks...!! :scare:
  17. Think it's 350Phil's. http://www.350z-uk.c...60-bye-for-now/ Feel sorry for the guy as I heard he doesn't really want to sell but circumstances are forcing his hand. Would be nice if it went to another member on here, who looked after it..
  18. Where did you get that quote from Wacky ? Next you'll be telling everyone that your lucky number is 1.618 :lol: Its in the "quote me happy" book for Zeds.. :lol:
  19. Click the first link - big end is knocking - sounds like a bag of nails Doo ! didn't realise there was a vid..sounded like a buzz saw on crack..lot of bottom end failures recently. :scare:
  20. Good work, what is the problem with the lump..?
  21. Look great mate. Look forward to getting them.
  22. Welcome to the Land of Zed... .. Not sure about the 3 months to transfer the personal Reg..!! Did mine in a week and got back the new V5 in 10 days.. :surrender:
  23. This is one of the nicest Zeds around and its well under book price, great miles as well. A true bargain. .. :yahoo:
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