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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Yep ONLY run it on 98 or 99 Octane petrol, otherwise this will happen...
  2. I'll get some and try it on my sons black Golf first... :lol:
  3. 68pounds to fill? When my light is on and i max it out its 81pounds something! Where do you get your petrol dude? lol Some of the fill ups are not full fill ups. I may have a quarter of a tank left when I fill up. It's an average cost per fill up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Your lucky, here are my MPG running mostly in town, with the occasional blast on the M1 / M25. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. My mates London Cab has done over 450,000 miles on its Nissan engine.
  6. Got a Cannon MP499 which works very well. maybe a newer model out now as its about 2 years old.
  7. That's sad 350zedd. . I miss my Parents who are dead and my younger Brother passed away 3 years ago. So only my Sister left and we get on OK.
  8. HERE'S THE ANSWER..!!! :scare:
  9. Great news, now you can have a Happy Christmas..
  10. I have no problem with my Family most are dead and my missus family are in Tokyo.. :scare:
  11. Very funny and amazing how stupid some people are..! http://jdgroover.wordpress.com/2013/08/20/the-2013-darwin-awards-are-out/
  12. Happy Christmas Boys lets hope the engine turns up
  13. You do Voodoo whodoo..?? :scare:
  14. No ..Fuel will not cause bottom end failures or holed blocks.. :scare:
  15. I got charged £62 to return tail lights to the US, and they only got charged £24 to send them, and that was a 3 day delivery and I was was guaranteed 14 day delivery back to the US...rip off Post Service as usual..!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The higher tax is irrelevant its two tanks of fuel extra in a year..!!! :scare:
  17. Nice article, Yes Japan is very strange but always fascinating. I try and go at least once a year to Tokyo and and the surrounding area, was going to Okinawa last April, but ended up in Tokyo again instead.
  18. Better order another pint now I got it right..!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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