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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Welcome to the Forum...You can have mine for less..!! :yahoo:
  2. See my answer in your double post. meeds a slave cylinder , braided hose and Motul fluid..PM Zmanalex
  3. Probably need to get a new slave cylinder and barded hose and motul clutch fluid from Zmanalex, sell as a kit, same thing happened to mine renowned for slave cylinder problem PM Zmanalex
  4. Have a look here. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/65248-how-to-weight-reduction-fix-boot-pop-up/
  5. Lovely looking Zed, should sell at that price.
  6. Have you got an after market spoiler on the Zed, if so then you will need the stronger Boot Poppers from Pete, if not you may just get away with removing the boot weight which is a ten mins job., just do a search on here for the thread on removing the boot weight. Good Luck..
  7. Yes see recent thread on boot poppers. " http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/78643-boot-popperassist-springs-reconditioning/
  8. Does it not calculate petrol usage then? YES.... :scare: I do so like that whooshing sound as witty* comments go flying over your head, Will. * Yes, I'm playing it a bit fast and loose with that term... :lol:
  9. Is it manual or auto..???? :scare:
  10. Does it not calculate petrol usage then? YES.... :scare:
  11. Norton is the best, you can turn off some of the intrusive features in settings.
  12. Run it down to your nearest auto electrician and save yourself all the hassle..
  13. The app is in UK imperial gallons, think you can change it in settings to US..
  14. Also turn your smartphone sideways and swipe to the left and you will get graphs of MPG, Gas Stats, Gas Price per Litre, total Gas Expenditure, Total Service Expenditure, You can keep track of all expenditure on your Zed... Then you can go "HOW MUCH...
  15. I'm sure it its not a manufacturing fault with the DE engine as its been around a long time with no major problems. If you read the posts about owners NOT checking their oil until its at the bottom of the dipstick, then that is part of the problem. the other part is not maintaining the service schedules., owners wreck engines not the manufacturers. :surrender:
  16. I check mine every week, Sunday morning..clean car check all levels and tyres. Job done.
  17. I've just downloaded this gas cubby app buy just had a quick question about entering the odometer reading. Am I meant to enter the current mileage on the car and it calculates the difference between fill ups or do I enter the mileage I've done at that particular fill-up from having resetting the counter? You need to enter the total mileage your car done at each fill up. Fill up one 35,600 Fill up two 35,850 The app will calculate the MPG for the 250 miles. Hope this helps...
  18. I used HalfFrauds oil in my son Golf for a few years, reckon that's why it lunched the piston rings recently. They do Mobil fully synthetic at at cheap price as well, so will stick to that for the Golf. Will only put the oil recommended by Nissan in my Zed.
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