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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. And on it goes..until Boko Haram, ISIS and Al Qaeda and all the other Muslim Fundamentalist Terrorists join up..Then FREE WORLD we have a problem, a very BIG problem..!!! :scare:
  2. Use a torch when you dip your dipstick. So you can be sure you can get it into the right hole.
  3. What does the £900 include ..?
  4. Here's a few more.. My pictures have disappeared..!!!! :scare:
  5. Yuk..Way over priced..cheap c*ap American supplied rear LEDs.
  6. Yes' top people all. :thumbs:
  7. Thanks for the idea Will. I still have 5 to use as template if I can't find any. Also I stopped mine from falling our by putting a small bit of Blu Tack on them to hold them in.
  8. I lost one of mine ..I just made one out of hard plastic ..fitted perfectly
  9. I hope this thread is not heading down the path of Beavers..!! Great book out at the moment "how to "Vajazzled your Beaver." by Jennifer Love. Sure its on Amazon .
  10. Thought you sent them to Italy.. . I have a pair of standard ones for sale for £65 if your replacing your LEDs,
  11. :shrug: http://www.planetf1.com/driver/3373/33736/Alonso-didnt-suffer-an-electric-shock http://www.grandprix247.com/2015/03/03/after-crashing-alonso-thought-he-was-still-a-ferrari-driver/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QAAOu37XLbw
  12. I'm a civil engineer working as an architect but my job title is 'Landscape Architect' ... rads in suspended ceiling - yea we do that ! I also own a Company called Architectural Restorations. Will, do you have a website? It's something I have a keen interest in and it would be interesting to see some of the work you do. Also what series of racing do you have cars in? What cars do you run? Any photos? Hi Neil. Architectural Restorations doesn't have a web site. We specialise in renovation of mostly historical buildings we supply specialists in gilding, special paint finishes, plaster work restorations, we work with English Heritage on projects. We did the main areas at the Carlton Club, The East India Club, The Reform Club. Mostly City based old fashioned clubs. This started out as a hobby many years ago, I kept the Team together and its a bit like painting the forth bridge now. We ran a Lola T332 Formula 5000 in the Derek Bell Series driven by Tony Trimmer. I have been involved with Tony throughout his racing career. If you go to Tony's FB page lots of pics on there.
  13. DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, BUT THERE YOU GO,,!! Anybody know the real reason why Alonso is nor racing in Melbourne, Think the old excuse of a bang on the head is wearing thin..!! http://www.adelaiden...w-1227247046611 Trevor Ambrose My own suspicion is he received a large electric shock from the recovery system. 10 hrs · Unlike · 4 Chris Hignell Agree Trevor Ambrose, and might want the unreliability sorted as well? 10 hrs · Like · 1 Rich Fletcher I agree Trevor.... Much more to this than meets the eye..... 10 hrs · Like · 1 Mel Turbutt What exactly is he supposed to have banged his head on? 10 hrs · Like Trevor Ambrose Exactly Mel !!!!.....HANS restricts movement 9 hrs · Like · 1 Paul West Wish it was in Adelaide! 9 hrs · Like · 1 Mel Turbutt The impact wasn't hard enough to rip any of the wheels off. The car didn't come to a very violent halt. If he did hit his head against anything,, it would only be the cushioned cockpit surround. Just doesn't make sense. And then there's the eyewitness report that his head was already slumped over before the car left the track. 9 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Rich Fletcher Electric shock. I don't believe anything else. 9 hrs · Like Ian Trott It's also possible that he had some form of blackout. He would need to go a lot of tests before being passes fit to race if that was the case. 9 hrs · Like · 2 Rich Fletcher Ian, that would still make McLaren liars when they say there is and was nothing at all wrong with him. But your theory does make sense, as much as the electric shock theory does...... 9 hrs · Like · 2 Rob Compton I wonder what the F1Slate will make of this. I hope a new article is forthcoming 9 hrs · Like Tony Tobias Rich, you are so right, Ron is the culprit. He has become a monster. I am told by 'insiders' when he is around, you can sense the atmosphere. 9 hrs · Like · 3 Ian Trott It's sometimes the case when someone has a "blackout" that experts have divided opinions on what the cause could be. I remember back in the 70's one of the drivers in FF had a blackout on the grid before the race started (it might have been Silverstone). It took quite a while before they were diagnosed with epilepsy. McLaren aren't doing themselves any favours though with the PR 9 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Rich Fletcher Exactly, Ian.... If there is an issue, as we all seem to think there is, they would have been better off saying that Fernando felt unwell.... Bad bout of flu, etc.... And that he needed rest. Not saying he is 100% fine but not racing. 9 hrs · Like · 2 Ian Trott Yes, once people start down the tangle road of cover up stories it can get very complicated! It could be that he is just suffering mild concussion from the sudden sideways movement of his head, after all, bruising the brain can happen quite easily. The truth though may never be revealed 9 hrs · Like Mako Koiwai Car is an embarrassment 9 hrs · Unlike · 1 Brian Morris Fernando to Ron - "I thought you were going to turn this team around. When you do, let me know and I'll drive" 1 hr · Unlike · 3 Mark Atkins Because the Grand Prix is being held in Melbourne? 59 mins · Unlike · 1
  14. Happy Birthday all, Have a good one..
  15. I just asked the question of a few people who should have genuine guess what going one, https://www.facebook.com/whacky.will/posts/664735463636731?comment_id=664749356968675&offset=0&total_comments=13&notif_t=feed_comment Interesting to read. Particular Tony Tobias.
  16. Bet he is as well..!! When I raced FF1600 many years ago, I had an off at Silverstone in the wet, then they had catch fencing, which I went through 2 layers of of it and got hit on the head by one of the poles, which cracked my helmet and apparently (as I don't remember) knocked me out for a few minutes. Went to the medical centre, Doc waved his finger in front of my eyes and said "follow my finger", which hopefully I did. he said fine you can race tomorrow..!! This whole situation with Alonso is so over the top, unless there is something we don't know. I'll try and find out..! I think it's all a bit fishy also and the conflicting press statements from McLaren, Fred's manager, Flávio etc. just add to more confusion. I think, he either did run wide, lost the back end and speared to the inside and had a side impact with his helmet or something else which they are hiding, for example, he passed out, car failure etc. Within 1 hours of the car been brought back to the pits it was ready to go out for the next session..Very difficult to hit your head to that extent with the new side impact structures and Hans restraints (which now also stop sideways movement as they are tethered to the side of the cockpit as well) Who knows, McLaren don't have a title sponsor yet, and Alonso need £25 mill plus expenses and bonuses so Ron needs at least £35 mill to keep Alonso happy.....Just saying.. :scare: PS. I forgot to add Ron never forgives anybody..!! :scare:
  17. Welcome to The Forum . Ask your Bank Manager.
  18. Bet he is as well..!! When I raced FF1600 many years ago, I had an off at Silverstone in the wet, then they had catch fencing, which I went through 2 layers of of it and got hit on the head by one of the poles, which cracked my helmet and apparently (as I don't remember) knocked me out for a few minutes. Went to the medical centre, Doc waved his finger in front of my eyes and said "follow my finger", which hopefully I did. he said fine you can race tomorrow..!! This whole situation with Alonso is so over the top, unless there is something we don't know. I'll try and find out..! PS. I forgot to add Ron never forgives anybody..!! :scare:
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