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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. On the A3 heading towards the M25 at about 11-30am today I was heading in the other direction
  2. I dont think the road tax is an issue until the day you have to pay it.........
  3. i like the `heading down past asda` like theres only one asda.. Just spotted newmaines roundabout so i`ll take that back...
  4. Got one of these mate
  5. Do you know what, I looked at SP1 and 2 and didn`t think it was...........In it great how we all want to be the one to guess right...lol
  6. Stuff the chicken whats the bike mate ? I`ve been scanning the net trying to find which (i`m guessing its a V twin) has the exhaust close to the rear shock but not come up with anything definate. Duke, Honda, Aprillia,KTM....put me out of my misery please It cant be an RC45 can it ?
  7. gsexr

    carbon goodness

    I do like the arse on that
  8. Parking sensors on mine and luv it........You just need to reverse a little slower than normal giving them time to work. Women i work with just backed into the fence as she had the stereo up so loud she could`nt hear the sensors...female what can i say
  9. Trust is a defo requirement.... if its not there its over, simple as that and stop kidding yourself. As for the Kids Same thing, let them grow up and try and remember what you felt like when you were young. We all think we can rule the world in our teens. Educate them about the harshness of the real world but let them make mistakes and be there for them when they do. That way they will grow and develop into real people.
  10. http://swiftrak.co.uk/tracking_solutions/car/ or shop around for different insurance ........Simples.....Sergio you are four days late for work..
  11. Spotted in Park Avenue West at 5-30pm tonight
  12. Another dreamer... :lol: :lol:
  13. Do it nice or do it twice
  14. Quater pounder with cheese and chips gives me all the protein i need
  15. I sold a motorbike to a guy from France He gave me a deposit through paypal, then came over on the euro, saw the bike and was happy. We then went down the high street and i watched him take 4.5K out of the ATM which he had arranged with his bank. We then went to my bank and paid it in. Once that was done and i was happy we went back to the house and i watched him ride off on the bike. I was concerned it was a scam but if you take precautions it should be fine. I made sure the timing was right so the money he gave me could be paid into the bank before he took the bike. That way there`s nothing to worry about.
  16. check out how the change in direction makes him move inside his suit at about 2mins awesome the gforce must be epic.................not jealous at all honest
  17. Paint the inside white mate it will be a lot brighter but dont do the roof. If it sweats it will drip emmulsion all over the car. (happened to a mate of mine)
  18. The prices of cars has fallen, but the prices of aftermarket parts has not. I can appreciate how some people might not want to spend 20% of their cars' value on just an exhaust, as opposed to maybe 5% just a few years ago. Not saying that this exhaust is priced incorrectly - it's just that the demand has fallen now due to the bracket of people choosing to buy a Zed. Economic global crisis and all that.....Maybe people just don`t have the spare capital anymore so are watching the penny`s
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