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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. very very sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  2. So now its back together is the comp even on all the cylinders ?
  3. Heres mine http://www.ponggame.org/
  4. Your at work your not in the playground anymore. You get paid to do a job so do it. Just point out to him that his work is not a good enough standard and he needs to sort it. Tell him straight that if your asked about who did what you will make it clear that his crap pipe-work was nothing to do with you. Team working only succeeds if all parties are heading for the same goal. If its purely your standards are higher than his and it wont matter for the job then still tell him you dont think its acceptable and prefere to work with someone who takes pride in their job. If its a skill set problem then its only a matter of time before he gets found out anyway. He cant correct things if nobody tells him its wriong. The problem at work today is nobody wants to upset anybody. If keeping your job depends on the outcome of the quality of the work would you be happy to lose your job or would you speak out. Be truthful and honest in all things and you will lead a good life.
  5. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-AUDI-TT-QUATTRO-180-BHP-SILVER-/130951038133?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1e7d4a44b5 done a few miles but
  6. I`d get the evo out of that lot failing that Get something like a celica
  7. Every garage needs one of these matey http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/ctj1250a-11-4-tonne-aluminium-trolley-jack
  8. gsexr


    I`ve got a standard system with pleanty of life left in it if your looking for a cheaper option mate. Pm me if interested. Just not got round to putting it in the for sale section yet
  9. I lived near Dorchester for 12 years so i`m an honary dorset member....lol
  10. http://www.premierinn.com/en/hotel/ANDBRE/andover at least you know what you`ll get just need to eat elswhere
  11. Lets not go there..... We`ll be talking about shreddies next and the best temp to de stain em
  12. Ok guys When i clean the old girl (yes the car not the other half) and then go out for a run i seem to get a layer of dust on the car as though its been attacted to static. I`ve never had this with any other vehicle and wondered if anyone else has this issue. It could be coincedence with where i`ve gone and the time of year but was happening as far back as Goodwood sushi sunday so i dont think so. I noticed it then as I wiped the car on the wing and was amazed at how much dust had stuck to it on the journey down. About 60 miles or so. Is it the micofibre cloths i use as i didn`t use these before the zed just stockinet. They seem to feel slightly static against your hands when you fold them. Makes me feel like fitting a 70`s anti static strip hanging of the back of the car like they use to sell for car sickness...lol Any advise appreciated. Where am i going wrong.
  13. We looked at a multi car with Admiral and it was more than two seperate policys so didn`t bother. I still think the biggest denominator is age and then the post code where you live. It seems that once you get to a certain age you think it will be cheap but the post code still goes against you. You pay over the top for insurance but your house is worth a lot so its a trade off i guess.....lol
  14. wrong colour but luv the wheels
  15. Rub on watered down vinegar should help with the itching.....makes you want some chips though
  16. Nothing better than getting a good grip on yer knob
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