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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Spotted just off stoneleigh broadway yesterday at about 4-30pm
  2. Here`s a bit of fun for yer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ufuDwO0yv0
  3. Ordered both belts and a set of plugs for the zed All arrived the next day so i could get straight on and fit them. Top service so thanks again guys.
  4. I used to have a sim only but went back to contract as it was only £5 a month more for a good deal and a Galaxy S3. The only downside is being locked in for a couple of years but as i dont change my phone until it starts mucking about i should be ok with that. Might be worth looking into mate ( O2 )
  5. I suffer from lower back ache and most car seats get to me after a long journey but have to count myself lucky with the zed as i find the standard seats work really well for me. Minimal back aggro on long runs which is
  6. Spotted in Boulevard road at about 12-30 today
  7. How do yer know he`s ever heard real ones.....
  8. It was coming down from the roundabout passed the speed camera towards the shell garage by the lights opposite coopers. Time was about 3-30pm I live in wicky park and was heading that way.
  9. Black 350 coming down towards the lights at asda
  10. Quite a good bit of kit when new but would be interetsed to know how they stand the test of time with higher mileages.
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/leather-seats-/171152575785?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item27d97d0d29
  12. 34 and a maccy D`s.... you have to move on mate.....,go to subway
  13. i dont think he means more reliable in that sense i think he means more suitable
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