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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Nowt wrong with being honest mate and you are to be commended for your actions but next time don`t be so hasty. Lesson for all there. Sit down with a nice cup of tea and check the paperwork and money first.
  2. Feel for you big time. I dred going anywhere near tesco or similar for fear of this happening. Hope you can get it sorted
  3. For having big enough gonads to go for it.... well done
  4. Spotted at 9.30 this morning heading towards North Cheam I flashed yer but was on a bike just to confuse you...lol
  5. Got to have a bit of Folye`s War Hell On Wheels is also a top series
  6. Who cares, if yer like it, get it, The beauty of getting old is you can wear what you want and dont give a s--t what anyone thinks. As long as you think your cool you probably are.....thats what i tell meself as the other half just gives me a strange look ....
  7. Totally get what you want to do mate as so many modern units end up looking toooooooooooo aftermarket, needs a nice touch of something classy
  8. 12 angry men think it was henry fonda if yer want a classic
  9. About 34.5 then....well someone had to
  10. Big 50 is 22 days away 350z and a Kawasaki Z1000sx and an RD350 LC luv em all
  11. Sitting at the lights in barnes one morning and as they turned green a fella on a motorbike came through and a cyclist steemed straight through the red light and ran into him. They both ended up on their backsides and the cyclist was rather quiet as he caused it. I did feel for the biker though as i stopped to help him up but had to confess i was actually looking the other way as it happened so could`nt really be a witness. Perhaps its time that cyclists who have a license should be penalised for there actions on a pushbike in the same way a motorcyclist car license is penalised for actions on his motorbike. Controversial i know but how else is it gonna change. Also time to introduce insurance for all vehicles on the road as this would also affect their car premium if they have been involved in a shunt on their bike. Awkward for kids on the road i know but something has to be done at least in large cities.
  12. Gotta say its one of my fav looking zeds which is a surprise as it aint GM....
  13. gsexr

    Missed Service

    If yer doing it yourself then get your own stamp made up for the service book, think of something novel and keep all the receipts etc.. Lots of places online do them cheap. You can be an independant yourself then
  14. Its good to have a go if you want to but do your research so you know what your up against before you start. Perhaps reading the posts on here will help people to understand why garages charge what they do.
  15. Worth a look for some deals here and there http://www.karcheroutlet.co.uk/?gclid=CLi9j4W9zL0CFQ7MtAodI2QADA
  16. gsexr


    I remember the days when Grand Prix S 165/70/13 were the dogs knob on yer cortina
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