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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Yep i`m paronoid aswell and do all i can to park the car away from people who in general just dont seem to care. Its a sad fact of the world we live in that so many people have no respect for other peoples belongins. There`s so much lease ownership going on today and company cars that people just dont care about them and in turn cannot understand why you should get worked up about a car. So many of them just see the reg number and how old it is. Such a shame but there it is.
  2. Theres all sorts of stories suggesting that you dont need to run in but you need to consider longevity. Follow what nissan suggest but most importantly dont labour it too much. Keep it revving freely and not under excessive load but have mechanical empathy. Last thing you want is an oil burner.
  3. gsexr

    So errr...

    Life is tooooooooooo short and you never know what is round the corner. Dont do anything to stress yourself out unnecessarily But dont end up regretting something you could have made happen That means Buy it
  4. Bit juke box for me but if you like it
  5. Need a picky of this. is he sure its not just a bottom belt pulley welded on ? Just thinking it might have had a keyway issue in the past
  6. Nightmare when some snot gobbling shite does this so feel for yer. Insurance could be a shout though if its only going to cost 20% no claims when the rerpair bill for a new tailgate will be about £1000 plus. We insure every year and often never claim but sometimes its worth doing the maths and getting it sorted.
  7. Feel for yer there matey. Redundant myself so know the score.....new things in the pipeline though
  8. No substitute for low miles cause once there gone you cant get em back. Check out the cost of the tax
  9. http://www.karcheroutlet.co.uk/products/subcat.asp?mID=Pressure-Washers&sID=K1-and-K2-Pressure-Washers some good deals on here
  10. Worked on the odd 240 back in the day. Liked em then and still like em now..........mind that red stuff though
  11. Make her an offer and take yer paperwork when you go and pick it up
  12. Very true.....they will only change something if they think its a vote winner
  13. There was talk of upping the limit to 80, so guess what the story comes out suggesting 60, in the end it gets left where it started 70 and we all shut up. Funny that
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