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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Used to have a K5 mate...cracking bike and fast as f..k
  2. Look on the bright side....it wont be using oil like the 300`s do. If the condition is right and the milage is right then enjoy it mate.
  3. I agree with the comments on more car info but guess thats because i could just watch all the technical/practical stuff all the time but the general watcher would get bored as it wouldn`t mean much to him. Bit like most of the people behind the scenes making the program. I have the same prob with Emmerdale.....
  4. What colour`s the plenum mate as i am liking that a lot
  5. Invidia Gemini exhaust Luv mine and no drone
  6. gsexr

    TVR Owners?

    I would say owning a TVR is ok if your....how can i put.....Keen. They all sound nice though just a shame they have such a bad rep for reliability and rusty chassis
  7. Watched it on catch up and enjoyed it... was waiting for genie to say...fire up the mexico.... For the eagle eyed when he looks under the bonnet towards the end theres no top hose and then there is...Editing at its best...lol
  8. You can drain the coolant from the bottom hose and then if you have an air line turn down the compressor so its really low pressure and carefully blow air into the top bleed point. Take your time and do not over pressure it so only have the compressor on about 8PSI. I found you could get most of the coolant out this way without any hassle. Refill using a 1 litre jug so you can know exactly how much you put back in as the nissan stuff is premixed. That way your confident that its had about a 95% change and i doubt if any garage will get that much out. Vacumn or air pressure its the thinking mans way forward to fluid change... just dont over do it and cause issues.
  9. here yer go mate http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150939424104?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  10. i want my egg and she wont give it to me yet.....its just not right
  11. I think you should be able to claim based on the fact that if the clutch never lasted the 3 months of the warranty it must have been so close to knackered when you got the car it would be classed as unfit for purpose. It would have to take into account the milage you had done as most warranty`s would have a limit on this aswell. It all comes down to A, the garage if they supplied the warranty or B, the company that supplied the warranty it its stand alone. It needs someone to take on board the time frame you have had the car and not just the fact that a clutch is not covered under wear and tear. Its the usual case of getting to talk to someone who actually understands your issue as opposed to someone just reading t`s and c`s of a screen. Fingers crossed its not painful a journey but should imagine you will get there in the end.
  12. Very interesting read. I do luv a thread like this as its something to get yer teeth into. Great stuff
  13. Do luv a white motor ..... very
  14. Just searched online for nissan skyline crankshaft and its shown with two woodruff slots one behind the other. It looks to me like a case of the original slot at the back being damaged so would need building back up and a new slot machined in for the woodruff. Not do-able in situ. An alternative could be another bottom pulley connected to the one you already have. If it was drilled and dowled together as well as bolted. That would allow the rear one to be in position for the belt and the front section to locate correclty in the slot. Jobs a gooden
  15. The timing belt bottom pulley is pushed past the woodruff slot and onto the messy part. Was there a woodruff in that other hole ? If that hole is filled in what will the pulley locate onto as its pushed on passed the woodruff. Can someone enlighten me as i`m not getting that. Looks to me like someone made there own hole/slot for a woodruff key to go into to locate the pulley. Not convinced this is over yet unless you can effectively have a bottom pulley that is going to line up with the original woodruff slot as in twice the length of the one on there. Guess that was what concerned the mechanic. Its not a case of welded crank more a case of making your own locating slot to match the pulley. Defo need more info on this one.....sorry
  16. Perhaps they get a good deal on price due to the volume they buy..? Failing that if it looks too good to be true it usually is...proceed with caution. Not the sort of job you want to do twice so in the long run i`d rather buy from a known source.
  17. Are you a fat bas...d...
  18. For an optimist the glass is half full For a pessimist the glass is half empty For an engineer..... The glass is oversized
  19. When the build starts we need loadssssssssssssssssss of pics as this will be epiccccccccccccc
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