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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Low miles always helps mate
  2. Total mutz nutz causing a sex wee dribble added with a slight stiffening in the lower region .... The car not pretty boy
  3. gsexr

    Invidia Gemini

    I do like your tips sir
  4. Grab yerself a Golf, Lowest milage you can find. Your`ll even get a nice TDI for that if you want an oil burner for economy
  5. Gotta luv all the for sales coming on
  6. I used to have a classic too mate and moved over to the zed.......luv itttttttttttttttttt
  7. Saw a matt black gtr, a red 911 with a 911 number plate and a mazda 6 mps playing on the A3. Guess they were coming back from goodwwod.
  8. I took the rental as it was a car for work but privately i would not bother. You can get damage waiver but it costs extra as uaual. My fear factor is if someone keys the rental car then you will have to pay. Its not a bad idea to go to a main dealer for the make of car as they have a reputation to maintain so the repair should be a good standard. Also tell them your concerns before they start and insist on genuine panels if they are being replaced. Trouble with insurance repairs its all about them fixing to the price the insurance are paying and not about doing the best job they can. Its very frustrating as you being the innocent party think your going to get a great repair and most times you dont. If you know a good body shop that will fix it to the standard you expect then insist its done by them.
  9. First pic is nice and the last two of course
  10. Good luck to him then
  11. Yeah i had to pay a £1 for a loan car when my company car went in for repair after being hit in the car park at work. I think they do it to make sure the card you give them is valid. Its to cover the excess if you damage the rental and any speeding or parking tickets.
  12. AO54 spotted yer parked up today
  13. They interviewed some fellow tv personalities yesterday and as Paul Merton quite rightly said Clarkson should never have even gone there. it`s as simple as that. Yes the race argument will be played out..................... did clarkson mean to be racist ?.......... I doubt he considered it at the time.......... did clarkson make a bad error of judgement, then yes he did. Should that cost him his job, in simple terms no, as the footage was not used in the show and if it had not been leaked no one would have known. Proving really that he did not want it known as he realised how bad it could look so he is aware of its impact. Many tv stars use swear words that would cost them their jobs on live tv but end up on the outakes VT which then becomes acceptable. You could ague that the person who leaked it has caused the issue and therefore are guilty of inciting racist behaviour. Should he be sacked............It just depends on whether the BBC make the decision based on the fact they feel they have to do something to show their disgust which again is really about saving themselves and people saying they are guilty by association so its a case of damage limitation for the Beeb. Its become a race row and really it should be an error of judgement row............. If the BBC sack him another channel will take him and so it goes on.... Perhaps his lack of judgement this time will be his demise, but it won`t be for the reasons of right and wrong, it will as usual, be for commercial reasons.
  14. If you dont want to spend money on parts without knowing there needed you could swap the sensors around. Thats if (P1147 is Heated O2 Sensor 2.) means there is a sensor 1. Swapping them around should move the fault code to the other sensor position.
  15. Well done matey.....Good canvassing brings a good result
  16. You might call yer mate a see you next tuesday but you would`nt use it on yer grandma...same principal Its a case of getting the balance right and not offending people if you think you might offend them, rather than try and justify saying something just beacause someone else does. You could call yer other half all sorts of things but might not like it if someone else does so surely its best for them to not do it rather than try and justify it. I dont like the PC thing anymore than most, but you also have to move with the times and wether you like it or not, if there is a chance that someone might be offended why not be aware of that rather than trying to justify saying something. Its not a case of right or wrong but a case of being aware of other peoples feelings and making an allowance for it. Its what we are losing in the world and need to re-educate people about thinking of others. Its the downside of being PC. Dont hold a door open in case you offend them....lol It works both ways.
  17. No cam belt mate the VQ engine has a timing chain
  18. What ever the views you hold on wether you should use a word or not, surely knowing it may offend someone tells you what you need to know. Don`t use it. Thats fundementaly whats wrong with people in general today. There`re more concerned about their right to do or say something rather than the fact it may offend. If we all tried to consider others first the world would be a nicer place. You need to keep this in context.....consider others.....make an allowance for their feelings....whilst trying to enjoy your own life at the same time. Much better than shuving it straight down their throat with some... i have the right to say that if i want attitude.
  19. Stuck like snot to a hot hob....nasty
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