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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Maddest car i ever drove was an FSO Polinez, as in it made me really mad
  2. Great feeling when its all nice and clean....
  3. Find out if you can appeal without it going to court. If not do the sensible thing and pay the fine but make a complaint. Explain you only paid the fine to avoid court but do not accept you are in the wrong. If you are innocent state your case as its easy nowadays with digital pictures and email. Bear in mind that others may have complained about this policeman and your complaint could be the one that makes them investigate him. Stand up for your principals but do it in a relaxed way using the tools at your disposal, that way it wont wind you up and think of the satisfaction when you prove the point that they could not see from behind. You dont need to pay for legal help just present your case yourself with your evidence stating what the guy said. If you get no joy then involve your MP. When you write to him he has to answer and you can explain that you are approaching it this way as legal costs to protest your innocence are too prohibitive. I`ve written to my MP twice and they have to see it through. Thats what they get paid for. Yes its hassle but take your time and make your point. Trouble with the world today is not many people can be bothered to make a stand over a principal. Just keep it in perspective and dont get wound up. If nothing else it will act as therapy for the anger you feel at the moment for being accused of lying. If you didnt, prove it..... It will be worth it
  4. Best way to dip them is first thing in the morning before any start up. Wip it out and wipe it....ooh er misses Then re-dip and get a good clear reading
  5. gsexr

    New Sports De-cats

    Was there meant to be a link there
  6. https://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/63722 Petrol is a nightmare nowadays if left in carbs etc and the water content in the ethanol causes tanks to rust out etc. Thats without going into the issue created by its lower rating. Please help to raise awareness and sign the petition. Many thanks
  7. You will have to get a quote and the insurance will probably send an assessor out to see it. Make sure your there and discuss what his opinion is at the time. Then you wont get any surprises. Bear in mind he will price it as per nissan parts and whilst it looks minimal you dont want a surprise write off/cat c coming your way. Remember its your car so tell them what you want and dont be led by them to go to an approved repairer as they will put it to you that it will be easier and quicker but most times the repair is shite as its done down to a price. If you dont know who to use for a repair then play safe and get a quote from nissan yourself. At least that way you have some recourse if the repair is not up to standard unlike an independent who will be watching the pennies more than the rep. Not all independents are like this but you get my drift.
  8. Dont waste time mate get something with two wheels and go for it
  9. Finally seen the light....great decision
  10. All good motors need skin and wind mate
  11. Had a quick peak without the sound on and thought ...whats the point of that. Then i turned the sound on and .... oh yeah.... get me the tissues.......luv it
  12. Just remember the 240/260 and how many people would like one now. Get yer 350/370 and enjoy it for what it is also knowing that you have realised something that the masses have not .................... Yet
  13. Do yourself a favor mate and get someone who knows what there doing to look at it. By the questions your asking this is gonna go wrong. Its yer brakes so for your sake and everyone else on the road get it sorted properly
  14. gsexr


    Invidia gemini is about £850 ish
  15. I thought that was known as vaseline
  16. gsexr


    The Invidia gemini is a real quality piece of kit and sounds sweet when its pedal to the metal time, no drone when cruising and not chav loud
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