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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. so thats a 996 jobby then ? Any cracked liners or ims bearing problems ?
  2. Yep stone chips are just part of the experience of owning a zed. People say its the shape of the frontal area and the soft nissan paint. So here`s a question to you guys who have had the front repainted. Does it still chip as easily or is the new paint harder and more resistant ?
  3. Not here as well....... more pavilion end stuff
  4. How do you think it compares with the 911 ? Which 911 did you have ? (always wanted a 911 )
  5. Just realised that doesn't take into consideration all the equipment I've bought. I'm depressing myself now, ha ha. It`ll be worth it in the end
  6. Oh dear more Brokeback mountain.... its getting catching on here.... starting to feel left out with all this flight attendant stuff
  7. If you have the money then just go for it and enjoy it
  8. +1 Well, perhaps I should say that the yellow ones will fetch a larger premium. Pete Where did they shave 75kg off from? removed the boot weight... :lol:
  9. Helps all the guys following this understand why a decent repaint costs a lot of money.
  10. Lane discipline in this country is shocking (havent driven abroad in recent years), whenever i go near a motorway it infuriates me beyond belief. Even dual carriage ways are poor, people sitting in the right hand land because at the next roundabout miles up the road they want to turn right. I agree this is annoying but the trouble is no one lets you in when you want to move over as you near the roundabout. I tend to think if they are doing the speed limit then dont worry just sit back and enjoy the drive
  11. Yep sometimes they turn over easy. He probably clipped the other one and made a massive over correction trying to avoid it.
  12. Hello Guys Made some changes and we can now offer our upstairs room as a twin or a double. The downstairs room has a king size bed and the upstairs room is a super king size bed. Both rooms are en-suite. Come and check out Cornwall and stretch the legs of the zed. http://www.chynowethtrelashbandb.co.uk/
  13. Luv mine and keeping it standard apart from the invidia so its as pure as its meant to be.
  14. Oooo errr Matron! also the name of catweazle`s toad, not a lot of people remember that...lol
  15. Be interesting to see how much rots in it if its RHD. Gotta luv a 240
  16. Surrey is so last year.....lol Got to be the sunny south west.... the further down the better
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