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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Sad to say we lost our olly a week ago today. He had a great life but used his nine lives up too early.
  2. what ekona said. By stating you have to ensure its clear is done so that you cannot block the access for others. Its also yours so the cost of clearing it is not down to anyone else. Standard with alleyways to garages to stop anyone blocking the access.You are all made responsible for your bit to ensure no one does what your thinking. If its no longer used and all parties agreed you may be able to get the planning to agree for you all to extend your gardens. A long shot but you never know.
  3. Can someone measure the gap on a standard ray wheel and then you know the ballpark area you should be in. Its a bit cold here to go in the garage otherwise i would do it for yer...sorry
  4. Could be a partial blockage in the rad, hence it overheats when you drive it because there is not enough water being cooled down by the air flow due to the reduced water flow. Whats the age/mileage of the rad. Could be a worthwhile thing to change to eliminate it before you do need a head gasket from overheating.
  5. Get a written quote from your preferred body shop and see if he wants to give you the money but make sure you have the money in your hand before you get it done. Also make sure the body shop understand they must quote the full price and not add to it later for something they find once stripped down otherwise you will be out of pocket. Next option is to go through the insurance. Get his details and give them to your company but remember you can still have it repaired at your preferred body shop. You dont have to use the body shop the insurance want you to use. If you don't have a preferred body shop then go to a main dealer because you will have more come back if the job they get done is not up to standard. I say this as there are many body shops out there but unfortunately not all the work is up to standard. Be sure to tell who ever you get a quote from that you are fussy and want a top quality job so you cannot tell its been repaired afterwards. Better to let them know this before they start the job. If they are not up to it go elsewhere. I say this because insurance work is all done to a price but you should not have to put up with a low quality repair just because they are unable to do a good job for the money the insurance want to pay. Loads of body shops do poor quality work because they think most punters don't know what they are looking at. I got told by one who repaired a company car i had that you can always see a repair, Well try telling that to company's who prep cars for concours events. The only difference is the time spent on the job to achieve good quality work and time is money. Remember that the repair is not your fault so you should`nt have to accept poor quality. Sorry lads as a bit of a rant but i hate shite bodywork.....
  6. A man can never have too many tools, a worthy addition to any workshop
  7. Bottom line is never pay for the car until its all sorted and ready to go. Hope you get it sorted the way you want it.
  8. Yep, every good workshop needs a 3 foot scaffold pole to go on a breaker bar for those sorts of occasions. Brought mine 225 miles down to Cornwall with me when we moved as you never know when you might need it.
  9. Yep worked on a few in my time and like a lot of cars always wanted one until i drove one. Great for a toy but not much else....... So why not
  10. gsexr

    My Beemer.

    Very hard to not like a beemer, well engineered motors
  11. Treat yourself mate to a big V8 or something
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