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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. The reason i say condensor is because back in the day it was common to have them fail even if they were new. If you have the old one its an easy swap to prove it. Loosen the dash pot screws off and then lift the piston up and down with your finger to centralise it and tighten the screws evenly as you do it to make sure it stays free and easy. when its ticking over you should be able to lift the piston a small amount and the revs should rise slightly if the mixture is correct. also if it was a permanent air leak and running really lean then it would probably cut out as you slow down to stop mate. If its too rich it will hunt on tick over and get slower and slower. Happy days, its all coming back to me.........lol
  2. They are cheaper than they use to be and unfortuanately it shows, hope you get it sorted
  3. Highly unlikely the carbs will suddenly go bad if they were ok to start with mate. If its breaking down under load i would suspect the condenser if your still running points
  4. Just to add some comments to this don`t run away with the idea that 5-10% failure rate is small. In manufacturing terms that is a massive problem. Just think what that would mean if it was total brake failure. This is the reason i did`nt buy a Porsche. They are getting cheap for a reason. Sink 15K into an old air cooled model......now yer talking...........if you can avoid the rust ....
  5. Spotted a few lately, anyone on here ?
  6. Good looking motor considering it`s an estate
  7. Think of the laugh you and your mate will have over this in a couple of years time. As long as your ok it`s only metal and money..... chin up
  8. Lots and lots of lovely looking kittens............. so want to get another one after the loss of olly.....Must resist
  9. I thought they did chatter on idle and up to about 1500 rpm
  10. Ross has had to sell his on Emmerdale...... :lol:
  11. i do like a white one, is that a wrap or paint ?
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