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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Found two of these little V20`s on the beach
  2. I think he took that well and it made me hungry
  3. Got a very large soft spot for an MGB GT myself. Had one before and find myself looking at them again. Easy to live with and a lot of fun. Go quite well with a webber on
  4. Lets be honest basic escorts are fetching silly money because they get rodded. Nobody wanted an 1100 MK1 then and they dont now but they want it as a donor vehicle. So much good engineering and idea`s about today you just never know what might become attractive as a shell.
  5. They might not rot as easily but every accident over about 5 mph results in a write off so they disappear just as quick
  6. Use photobucket mate http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/53047-how-to-post-pictures-via-photobucket/
  7. 300 short wheelbase is much nicer and the one to watch
  8. We are on exchange lines only which means no green box so they either have to fit one or do FTTP either way i would be happy
  9. When i spoke to Bt the guy just offered the info that our exchange is due a speed upgrade between October and the end of the year. I asked does that mean fibre and he said usually yes so its fingers crossed that we get it but you never know.
  10. All we get from that is Exchange name: Otterham Station We're keen to bring Superfast Fibre to your area and are exploring how best to achieve that. We may deliver it as part of our commercial programme, or by working in partnership with your local authority. At the moment you can't order Superfast Fibre. For more information visit the FAQ section >
  11. I remember when 240`s were rot boxes and not many people gave them a second look, we all want one now though ! Hang onto that original 350 (with the standard Ariel ) and watch this space
  12. Be careful if you go to sky. No fibre where i am at the moment and Sky use the BT connect package but in the evening the speed is traffic managed ( now called network managed) and its slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Sky themselves have advised me to go to another ISP such as BT as it will be faster. I`ve been dealing with the speed issue for a year now so going to BT. Got the order arranged and when the email came through the phone line was to be activated on the 3rd and the broadband on the 11th so rang them up but they could not do anything about it so cancelled the order. Then went online and re-ordered and got an e-mail to say that both would be activated on the 19th........... Fingers crossed. Hopefully fibre will come at the end of the year.
  13. Get that under tray off mate and see where its coming from
  14. Any pics after the waxoil ?
  15. Most of the Oak stuff is available on the net similar to OFL just subtle differences like end panels being two piece instead of one but it mostly all the same. Chinese/indian mate like most things.... lol interesting read for you http://www.telegraph...tail-mogul.html
  16. works both ways if they want to get rid of her as well, see it as a positive and not a negative, its nice to be wanted
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