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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. yer gotta luv those motor trade hours.... No time left to drive the car
  2. This info may help http://my.prostreetonline.com/2014/09/24/test-vq35-accelerator-pedal/
  3. yeah, if yer not sure then time for an Invidia Gemini
  4. gsexr


    Must agree with the above its a cracking car and got to be a keeper
  5. Some great pics Did i mention, I do like a white motor
  6. You know which way to vote if we ever get the chance then
  7. https://www.google.c...cmXrQl0ibaT838= Invidia Gemini fits around the anti roll bar mate
  8. Id look closer at them as well mate as they look moist where they go on by the filter so maybe leaking slightly. Wipe it clean and inspect again in a weeks time as you don`t want to over tighten those ally fittings
  9. Is it because the cars have got cheaper and the young yoofs are exploiting the acceleration and handling. This constant hard life could be using more oil than usual and it only takes a quick lack of pick up during chucking the car about and its good night vienna. Just a thought
  10. Interesting to see the end result
  11. We don`t care, if you want to flood then flood. We all want to see it
  12. here`s an old article of interest http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1229857/How-16-ships-create-pollution-cars-world.html
  13. Put your question in 350 general and wait for the help. It wont take long as all the guys on here are as helpful as they can be.
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