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Everything posted by gsexr

  1. Black mate, its the only sensible option. Less is more
  2. They have come a long way https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=electric+milk+float&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAmoVChMIiYbo78b5xwIVBVwUCh1qOgUO&biw=1120&bih=732#imgrc=yxnnWqLcYI_vEM%3A But it is taking a while
  3. Could`nt agree more mate. Great colour
  4. Looks good mate, shame about the 350 conversion as was waiting to see how it turned out but you must have your reasons.
  5. and i think your`ll find that`s the best colour
  6. Quality costs mate so enjoy. Looks
  7. MP`s who do the job because of their beliefs i fear are few. Most are career politicians who will do/say whats required to look after No 1
  8. Defo big money classic in the future
  9. As Dan said it will be interesting to see how this plays out. If he sticks to his ideals then i dont see him getting the labour party back in power. If he tones the extreme left views down a bit he may surprise us but as already said he could just be another foot and he was un-electable. Same as Farage really he needs to be a bit more diplomatic now that they have gained some momentum otherwise they will go the same way and never be a force to be reckoned with. Whatever your views we need a few characters to shake it up a bit but lets not fool ourselves too much, the country is run by the money men in the back room and the change of colour out front is just to make us feel we actually have a say :lol: Drop the tax on fuel and everyone benefits because everything becomes cheaper and offset that by not sending so much money abroad but hey ho, don`t kid yourself they want you to have it too easy. You might end up not taking any notice of them and what would they do then ? Happy days
  10. My money is on 3 points and a fine mate
  11. It would have been a miracle if he did`nt... I need petrol in my life but being fair the steam guys probably felt like that at first. We would be foolish to write off EV as who knows how good they will get and you could always get a wire wheel conversion and stick some card on the spokes
  12. 1st post is a reply to being spotted.... I keep going out but no one sees me
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