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Everything posted by Mopedmark

  1. Hi and welcome I checked out auto trader at least twice every day for 6 weeks you will get a feel for the market that way.
  2. Hi and welcome, a bit far to come to our midland meets I think
  3. I liked the urban camoflage look ( leaves). So the tyres going to last a few days more then m8.When we gonna meet up again then chaps.
  4. Moped mark + mrs moped fri-Sunday. Camping. No preference, Fri night, Sat lunch, Sun lunch, we can't wait should be a fantastic weekend
  5. Thanks guys never heard of a yammy aeros Seabee wats that
  6. I make show winning motorcycles and as the Z is pretty standard at the minute I have no pics of her yet,but I will have soon my first mods are engine bay custom parts made by myself.Also to bling it up so to speak lol so Z pics soon u will av to look at this for now lol
  7. This is a 1984 Suzuki 1100 fee got it off eBay in boxes 4 months later it was at the motorcycle show at the nec. Front cover and centre spread 100% biker.Got it invited to street fighters owners club extreme show 8 judges got best in show from all 8 happy days.i will show you a few more as time goes on including my hayabusa the uks no 1 custom sports bike. I am knackered now though buying a Z lol
  8. Hi boys and girls,new Blade owner (well I have had her 6 weeks now and me and mrs moped love it).I am 50 years old and this car is my birthday present,it's my first proper car not just an a to b car,mostly a weekender car.I come from the world of custom motorcycles high end fighters and custom sportsbikes.I have been on here since December I learnt loads I must admit,my customising will be a little different.Got loads of ideas so we will see we're this takes us,looking forward to meeting some of you lot.
  9. Hi guys my first post of any description on here been a Z owner for 7 weeks now and I lllllllove iiiiit.I am an active biker for 34 years and I build custom bikes,hi end fighters and custom sports but I would say at 23 on a 883 sportster the quotes are about right.Dont blame ya going with what you think is right for you but a smaller bike for a year would help long term.
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