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Everything posted by Mopedmark

  1. Looking at them photos mate I would say the damage was done before it was packed the second pic it looks like damage under the paint as well
  2. Hi mate first off is the packaging damaged in the same sort of place and also I have got a mate who is a specialist fibreglasser let me know mate
  3. Nice little update mate see you on Friday at lakeZ
  4. must have been very unlucky with all that driving
  5. 17 to 22 there's many a budding Lewis Hamilton in that bracket but so many Sterling Moss types in the older generations
  6. It has to look bad to look good and when she's all finished it will have been worth it.
  7. The paint on your armrests looks like blade silver,paint code kyo mine is done the same if this is so it is a different colour to outside paint.
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