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About Mopedmark

  • Birthday 30/01/1963


  • Location
    West Bromwich

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  1. Yes they can be made to fit with a standard air box and a plenum spacer,
  2. 1) davey_83 2) Charlie boy 3) Valy 4) Justthejedi 5) Andy_Muxlow 6) Secretstar07979 (Adam) 7) Dania350z 8) Cob1980 9) T4uvp 10) Mopedmark +1
  3. 1. davey_83 2. 14N 3. Andy_Muxlow +1 maybe 4. SHEZZA +1 maybe 5. AntelopeSam 6. Justthejedi 7. Buster +1 8. Charlie Boy 9.Jazz + 1 maybe 10. MoNsTaaRz + 1 maybe 11. Mopedmark + 1
  4. Quack Quack , or is it a Platypus
  5. Hi , guys I have the 350 on the Banzai Mag stand see you all on Sunday
  6. You can buy a kit from Ebay for about a tenner that plugs into the fag lighter with an on off switch it also has a little remote so you can change the colours simple
  7. 1. andy James x2 tickets PAID 2. Andy_Muxlow PAID 3. 14N - PAID 4. SHEZZA x 2 tickets PAID 5. Mopedmark x2 tickets PAID
  8. Just as a heads up guys Saturday 8th June is the clubs annual Ace Cafe Meet up, we will be having a convoy down from the Midlands so if your free guys it’s a great day, get on the thread and get your names down thanks
  9. Great meet up, loads of new faces lovely drive and Very good food
  10. 1) davey_83 - Lunch 2) Andy_Muxlow +1 lunch. 3) buster-lunch 4) SHEZZA - Lunch 5) umster 6) AntelopeSam - Lunch 7) Lewis Schwier 8) Killick.z 9) Silverthorn 10) MatthewThain 11) KG350z 12) Justthejedi 13) Valy - Lunch 14) Nissanman312 15) 350Butcher - Lunch 16) 17) OnlyAfro 18) Dania350z - lunch 19) Pusztai Norbert 20) jessica350z 21) Gonzed 22) Mac350 23) 350z_v6  24) Bhupz350 25) 14N - Lunch 26) Spicknuts -Lunch 27) StormTrooperZ 28) Mopedmark- Lunch + 1
  11. 1) Payco - 2016 Nismo 370z - PA04YCO 2) Coldel - 2005 VX220 Turbo - VK05 XEU 3) Andy_Muxlow 2011 - 370Z - A20MUX 4) Seb - 2003 350z JDM - PR02 SEB 5) kbad - 2007 HR - J44SUS 6) Mopedmark- 2009 370Z Ultimate MT59UZR
  12. Core Strut Braces are still available
  13. Lovely looking car but how poor is that engine bay
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