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Everything posted by z350convert

  1. So if I have understood this correctly the kits are currently unavailable. I have ordered one of these at the princely price of £6.75 or something, from China, what can possibles go wrong. Am expecting a little bloke in sandles with a lampshade on his head to come running up the path in about 2 weeks with my package. Also expect instructions to be a complete farce. The ad didn't inspire much confidence as it said the mirrors open out on igniting the car, not quite what I had in mind but my family has a history of setting fire to its cars so I think I have it covered. Stand by for cries for help. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191605297838
  2. Dear Mr Flyboy. I would like to buy one of your Auto Fold Modules for a 2003 Z following a post I made to the members site yesterday. It sounds exactly what I am looking for. Could you advise of cost and how you accept payment. I am in West Wickham in Kent. Many thanks
  3. Thank you very much. I enjoyed that conversation and both of you are right on the money. I hadn't heard of the flyboy thing and it hadn't occurred to me that it could be done by the remote. I don't mind how I do it really as long as I can automate the process as sometimes I forget to turn them in with the switch. Speaking of which, my car only has a 2 position rocker, it's a 2003 car. Any tips on what I need to get and fit? Thanks again
  4. Has anyone wired the mirrors so they fold in automatically when ignition goes off and fold out on turning ignition on? Just a thought.
  5. Has anyone wired the mirrors so they fold in automatically when ignition goes off and fold out on turning ignition on? Just a thought.
  6. Love the comment from Eccleston re the qualy argument saying he was surprised the drivers could write. That's rich coming from him.
  7. Give them a raspberry on their website. Someone should have posted something to save you the wasted fuel and time.
  8. Yes, good idea about the camera, have one front and back but haven't thought about using it for that. That's exactly how the Class 1 police do their training, lucky blighters. We didn't have cameras back in the early 90s during Road craft training and grade 1 wasn't employed for all traffic officers, I only completed grade 2 high powered pursuit. We employed a verbal commentary system as part of our assessment, but cameras would have been a superb tool to analyse back in the classroom. The onboard Vascar system was consulted occasionally after a run but we had no rear facing device on our Senators Pleased you have joined in. What's your view on passing slow vehicles in lane 1 when you are leaving motorway in deceleration lane within green studs but before reaching white dividing chevrons. See my point earlier. Have found no reference to it in the Highway Code nor in any Road Craft material. Common sense is do it carefully but I wonder why the subject isn't covered.
  9. Hmmm. Did you perhaps leave getting over a bit late, just a thought. You raise an interesting point about undertaking on slip road, that's an interesting one. Imagine you have Auntie Doris in lane 1 doing 40 or less and you are behind and in the deceleration lane (slip road if you like) do you hold back at her speed and **** everyone off behind waiting for the white chevrons or undertake. Strictly speaking it's not an undertake because the green studs separate it as a different carriageway for a different purpose. However Doris could easily shift lanes to her left without warning or perhaps a late signal as you pass. Best practice as I see it is to pass down the near side with a couple of short friendly toots and a watchful eye on the driving behaviour of other person. I should know this stuff but I'm not sure what we are supposed to do is what I do for real. Will look it up and get back. Wonder what everyone else thinks.......?
  10. Yes, good idea about the camera, have one front and back but haven't thought about using it for that. That's exactly how the Class 1 police do their training, lucky blighters.
  11. That's ok stick to your guns. You are right, me going at that speed was indifensible on a public road but it was the exception. In the theme of the original post, tailgaters are a pain and the car attracts them. But with a 350 you have nothing to prove so you can let them past as soon as possible so you can keep an eye on them and keep a distance. Let the car off the leash when conditions are right, ok, taking your point, within reason.
  12. Good man. Th Edwardian race was brilliant. All those exposed tappets and chain drives and as you say, they weren't hanging about. Will send you a photo of painting when I do it, Maybe meet you at Goodwood sometime, nice to link up with another fan.
  13. Great photos thank you. Do you mind if I do a watercolour painting from one of these? Did you see the accidents on Sunday? Horrible and both right in front of me but at least both drivers are going to be OK although the same can't be said for the cars. Great wandering round the Padock without too many people around. Absolutely freezing. The walk back to the car park was like the retreat from Moscow.
  14. Thanks for comment and apologies for any offence. I don't think I mentioned the word racing. Driving quickly and safely on the roads is fine and having a friend or colleague works well. A lot of bikers do it, even with radio link. It's about keeping to speed limits or less depending on conditions and using speed in the right places, reading the road ahead from visual links like gaps in hedges, roof tops warning you about potential driveways or parked vehicles, clues from mud on the road, noticing the change in road surfaces etc etc. All the stuff you learn about in Advanced Driving which I enjoy and why I like a responsive car. I may not have made it clear that driving with a friend is not about racing it's about working with the same agenda of making good progress it's safety and enjoyment. With a friend you can practice overtaking which is the most dangerous manoeuvre we all do. Perhaps I didn't make that clear enough but it was a bit off topic. Wish I hadn't put in the bit about the Vauxhall but it was in the context of the original topic and I thought I was talking to like minded individuals. I am sure I'm not the only bloke who has given his car a good spanking occasionally, otherwise why not drive a Micra but I have edited the post as advised. Ps you will be relieved to read that I have retired as a driving instructor (after reaching a high grade) and am now a watercolour artist
  15. Yes, I don't think a dealer could be bothered to spend the time, it's not cost effective for them.
  16. There's a good book called Mind Driving and another one called The Chimp Paradox which explain how drivers behave on the road and why they (we) do it. Once you have it all explained it's much easier to deal with it. I admire people on here who can just turn the other cheek because I have always been quite competitive, but non aggressive and at nearly 70 I realise my reactions have slowed and my eyesight does not adjust as quickly. On the other hand Advanced training has helped so I have a system and a standard I try to achieve regardless of what others might do. Having said that, I was amazed by a stock Vauxhall Astra XR or whatever it's called getting past me when I was accelerating fairly hard on the way back from Goodwood and although the 350 soon got into its stride and I was in an overtake position he wouldn't move over. I thought undertaking him at the speed we were doing might be taking the mick especially for a driving instructor like me I should show restraint so I settled in position and he ran out of puff. I am not proud of that on a public road, but that thing was quick. I go out for a good blast early Sunday mornings sometimes when all the testosterone brigade are still in bed after doing blokey stuff all night although I have long forgotten what that was. Then I can have a fast safe drive without too many idiots around but there are still cyclists, runners, animals, church goers horse riders etc to be ready for without worrying about Wayne in his Corsa are some Arse in a BMW tiring to prove a point. The thing is, driving quickly and well takes practice and some training. Unless you do it occasionally when you can, how cany you keep your skills up to snuff. Getting involved with other drivers is never a good idea, you don't know who you are dealing with and it can get you into "red mist" territory. A friend in another vehicle is fine if you can trust them. Anyway, enough crap from me. Read the Chimp Paradox if you can find the time. Drive safe
  17. GT 2003. Have irritating squeaks from the back end over light bumps in road. Sometimes a squeak like a mouse, sometimes not, so it's difficult to trace. Have thumped and pressed everything within reach while driving and nothing makes any difference and have re padded any likely sources. This was really interesting....https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LsNWI5ElkZU It's exactly th sound I get. So before I disappear under the car with some rubber lube spray does anyone have anything to add or advise. All the links were all ok at the last MOT but would be old and dry by now. Thanks and hopes for some input. Neil
  18. I guess the Nissan one would give you surround sound and 3D HD and probably VD. I just needed something simple to avoid hitting anything. I found a little camera fitted to a new number plate lamp lens on eBay. It was easy to fit and only cost about £25. I bought a small screen and fitted it in the dash cubbyhole. It operates through the reversing light wiring. It was so successful I bought another one and stripped off the lamp bits and fitted it to the front grille so I can see what's below my site line when parking. I just have a switch that turns it off when cubby is shut. I am a bit of a fiddler with cars but if you don't fancy it or don't have the time just order the parts and get someone to set it up, it was really easy.
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