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Everything posted by newkid

  1. newkid


    If everyone did everything the same as everyone else then our cars wouldnt be individual. What you like might not be what somebody else likes but what the hell. Your car is individual to you so fair play
  2. Thanks for replies guys, have a bosch battery on order, failing that i will try the starter motor connections.
  3. Righto, ill try the battery before anything else then. Cheers bud.
  4. I thought that but surely if it was the battery it would try to turn over but just not be able to? Whereas its literally doing bugger all.
  5. Quick update. I have managed to bump start it and drive it home. I switched it off and restarted and again not start. Tried again and it started without any delay? WTF is going on ?
  6. Hey, had a problem about 5 days ago where car wouldnt start in the morning, no warning lights or anything and all the dash lit up fine, tried it about 5 times and then it fired up and went. Have just finished work and it wont go at all. Again all lights are on and battery seems ok, i can hear the solenoid click when i turn the key but engine does absolutely nothing. Not trying to turn over or anything. Now stuck in the pouring rain in the dark and trying to bump start it. Could it be a loose connection or is the starter motor gone ? Voltmeter sits at 12 when ignition is on and drops just a smidge when i turn headlights on so i think battery is ok?
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=hmx0VNCfIcXkatGvgOAP&url=http://alarmsellout.com/support/diagrams/vehicle/NISSAN%2520350Z%25202003-2005.pdf&ved=0CEMQFjAK&usg=AFQjCNG_W-Uzh0J-yp2PGynuaTle1OhlJQ&sig2=sEST0w6iIZGqvSwUiJHLTg try this
  8. I can tell you its nothing to do with the sound system, steering wheel controls or air con unit. Other than that.....not a clue
  9. Been with sky insurance for 3 years. Never a problem.
  10. newkid


    Tegiwa and rarerims do nuts
  11. Just pay for a track day in the zed. Job done. Guarantee your be going faster than if your in somebody else's lambo
  12. You can do a full day of proper drifting for a couple of hundred quid. There are some places that will give you tuition and let you out in modified jap cars for between 4 an 6 hours of drifting time. Its a fair dollop of cash but compared to 80 to 100 quid for 5 mins in a ferrari, its worth it. Includes all tyres, fuel etc. Would be an awesome day.
  13. Somebody had you over. Feel bad for you mate.
  14. I have the x2600bt. Good bit of kit but be aware alot of the features require extra optional purchases which can add up.
  15. More about the built not bought argument. I would be much happier my built zed is now performing like a gtr !
  16. Wouldnt be worth it for me mate id rather keep it at that price. Thanks anyway.
  17. I think tegiwa might do some ?
  18. Travis pastrana is probably my favourite.
  19. I cant say I agree. Give me that car and 100 attempts and I still couldnt pull off one trick hes doing. Its a combination of skill and pure outright balls to drift cars at the speeds he does. These videos dont show just how fast hr is travelling at some points. I probably could never do what they do. But it annoys me he's basically portraying he's a master of drift, tight corner high speed manoeuvres. What him in the WRC, he's useless. Loeb if he was asked to do these staged block events he'd wipe the floor with him. Probably true, either way I admire all of them for what they do. Even the worst of the wrc drivers is way outta my league skill wise. I follow block on instagram and he seems a pretty genuine guy tbh. still....that mustang though :wub::wub:
  20. I cant say I agree. Give me that car and 100 attempts and I still couldnt pull off one trick hes doing. Its a combination of skill and pure outright balls to drift cars at the speeds he does. These videos dont show just how fast hr is travelling at some points.
  21. How come your after 17's ? Going to look a touch small.
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