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Everything posted by benjy88

  1. To be honest I just used some disused sound deadening from the boot of a Jaguar XF we had lying around hahah. Double sided taped it all in place, sounds far better now. But leave some gaps because other it will basically shake your car to pieces if you're putting a more serious bit of kit in there!
  2. Repost or not, this might be the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. Bless you Graham. Bless you! I'm literally crying at work right now.
  3. There's nothing wrong with being 78!
  4. I was in a work van, gave you a big thumbs up and you downshifted and disappeared, so i presume you saw me, think you may have had a Cobra exhaust on there??
  5. You just flew by my work... Sounded absolutely immense!!!!
  6. I work in the trade, so it's easier for me to get deals which might otherwise seem impossible...
  7. That being said, the Nismo is one of the brand new red ones, on a 15 plate.... Which is so utterly beautiful.... Just look at how awesome they look:
  8. Naah, I don't want to be a knee down in the corners type of biker... I've witnessed 3 Biker deaths in my life watching people do that on public roads... The temptation is the thought of a weekend riding through France n Belgium with my old man to be honest... That's mega appealing, whereas that's not quite the same with a 370z Nismo...
  9. I'd lend it to you for a bit if I did get one mate, don't worry. Just the usual payment though yea?
  10. So, I'm just curious about opinions here, and despite obvious prejudice, I feel i'll get mixed views on this one! I'm toying with the idea of two things at the moment... I have been offered an insanely good deal on a 370z Nismo, with which would only cost me about £260.00 per month... OR I do my Bike license, and buy a Triumph Speed Triple. What would you do?
  11. Ah, but I beg to disagree... as with some carpet, some double sided tape, a drill and a small amount of fettling, I have put a Pioneer Champion 1200w Sub in the original Cubby!! It sounds brilliant too. Even did a tiny bit of cutting and managed to get the OEM cover to sit over it too, so you'd never know
  12. Yes, that usually constitutes an import. All that sort of documentation is usually registered at point of origin in the UK by the dealership, therefore if it's imported, it doesn't have the necessary information.
  13. No I didn't! Although Ian did buy me a cheeseburger once, so I guess it's ok True love right there....
  14. It wasn't a big do... just a few hundred Zed owners... Did you not get an invite Matt? Awkward...
  15. Would a ride for you and Mrs Mouthwash in the F-type R AWD lower the price....? By say..... £600?
  16. dont blame you, last quote took me a while to figure out You say that, but so many people I know have had bad experiences with LRJ brand, its also the fact that a complete failure resulted in almost no brakes, no brakes lights, etc.... I trust my GTR on track, there is just no way I could put the same amount of trust into the Jag. Well I am not too far from you and do venture down that way quite often v8 supercharged is still the dream You're entitled to your opinion, and if you know that many people who have had issues, then nothing I can say will sway you. I work with Jaguar, so I can only really give you my five eggs on them. I will never say anything particularly derogatory about Land Rover - but will admit that they have had their fair share of issues, and upset customers. With regards to the F-type, I have now done an absurd amount of track mileage in F-type Rs and V8 S models, and (particularly with the Carbon Ceramics) would put my life into it over and over again. Yes, please do. Just drop me your number. I'll try to get you out on a Goodwood day or something, get you out in the F-type R Coupe I'll let you know when we next have space
  17. Sorry, have had to do away with the quotes. That was just getting frustrating. Yes, I do work for them. It's worth having a try of an F-type R. Especially the AWD model, coming from a GTR perspective. Your friends' experience was clearly a VERY bad one, but I feel that he has been potentially very unlucky. To have a total systems failure is unheard of from the dealers around my region. Although I understand that's an almost inexcusable situation!
  18. Number of things:- An ex-GTR owner that bought one and then gave it back after a week or so Jaguar Land Rover...... Having had a new Range Rover, the thing spent more time back at the dealer than at my house Seen quite a few on the roadside and on the back of flatbeds Quite a few posts about issues http://www.jaguarfor...f-type-x152-72/ Recalls http://www.autoblog....ctrical-recall/ Mainly, it comes down to my personal experience with LRJ as a company (that includes the individual franchise and LRJ UK).... the sales service is great, follow-up service is shocking and after-sales was just appalling. I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences with the brand Graham. I can honestly say from my position, I've never had a bad word said about the F-type, barring a rattle from the hood of an F-type R Convertible. The early new Range Rovers did indeed have some issues... I feel perhaps they were rushed out a bit early, due to extreme customer waiting times. May I ask why your fellow GTR owner returned his F-type? All I can say really is that I'm sorry you've had these issues, particularly with aftersales. It's something that the company is working quite hard to improve at the moment. I hope that if you ever choose to try the brand again in future, do drop me a line first.
  19. Flat...? FLAT??? That's my 3 Bed House you're talking about my good man!!!! Just kidding, yea you're quite right. That's me!
  20. What's led you to believe the build quality is questionable, chap?
  21. I did a 750 mile round trip to Scotland in one of these... I can assure you it doesn't get boring. If you get tired of the noise, you can stick it back into normal mode and it's like sitting in your living room. Also had the AWD at Goodwood the other day. Even with that horrific rain, it is just astounding what it's capable of.
  22. And henceforth, I shall call you... Runner bean.
  23. I've only ever briefly ridden a Harley round a driveway... it really wasn't my cup of tea! The position felt all wrong..!
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