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Everything posted by benjy88

  1. I'm going to treat old orange lightning to some coilovers and camber arms I think... (I've bought my Mrs lots of new clothes recently to ensure this won't be an issue)
  2. Can you come round mine and fit one
  3. No, this bonnet vent does not require any additional body modification or engine modification, as stipulated in the advert... Besides, you don't need any modifications anyway, as this small mod gives you up to an extra 4,328,629 Horsepower. At the wheels....
  4. What a hero. One is for the roof, rallycarz style I've done the same, but one on each side of the roof... 2 on the bonnet, one on each door. And one on the rear bumper.
  5. Guys... I mean come on.... Who of you could resist this beautiful addition to your Zed? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bonnet-Induction-Scoop-Vent-for-NISSAN-datsun-Power-Bulge-/261668003056?pt=UK_Car_Parts_Vehicles_Automobila_ET&var=&hash=item3ceca0dcf0
  6. You're a diamond as always Matt, but very little point as I'll be getting coilovers at some point within the next 3 months, and the leak is very very small, it was described as a 'slight seep' haha. If that changes let me know And posting on the internet about your seepage is brave You love my seepage.
  7. You're a diamond as always Matt, but very little point as I'll be getting coilovers at some point within the next 3 months, and the leak is very very small, it was described as a 'slight seep' haha. Is that to go with your collection of other mods that are 'soon to be fitted' But I love my Z too! And cannot wait to get back in it, going to be the same feeling when buying a new car Haha, yes, but after Christmas I might have enough bloody money to actually have the pile of stuff fitted!!!!!!
  8. You're a diamond as always Matt, but very little point as I'll be getting coilovers at some point within the next 3 months, and the leak is very very small, it was described as a 'slight seep' haha.
  9. It's never about the V Power GM! Bad boy... it's all about Tesco Momentum 99
  10. Looks like an alarm sounder to me...!
  11. As time goes on, I just love my little Datsun even more... Fcuking FLEW through its MOT today, even at 10 years old.... Only advisory? Slight leak on front nearside shock absorber. BOOM. Pointless thread, I just feel that she needs to be recognised for constantly achieving her goals.
  12. Hello mate, Given that you have the same Pioneer touchscreen as me, can I ask where you got the surround? The one that came in the box didn't fit in mine, so my stereo doesn't sit flush, which looks quite naff...
  13. It's a GodSpeed exhaust... which Iooks remarkabIy simiIar to an ARK exhaust I have to say!? Just Iooked at prices for these, they're mega cheap, but do sound phenominaI. Very dry sound!
  14. I don't see the problem here... he obviously put his wing mirrors in deliberately, leaving an adequate 2 inches extra of room... Some people eh? Never good enough...
  15. Happy Birthday Netti! Aimee sends her best too x
  16. Indeed I do, but that's what this forum is for... The bargains I've had from buster, from Mattross etc... What I'm looking at isn't really out of the question. Even Vlad putting his HSDs up for circa £450, it's not a million miles away. I just need to bide my time I feel, wait for some kind soul to be getting theirs back to standard... I'm not in a HUGE rush. So in terms of needing more money, it depends really whether you're after something that is brand spanking, or if you're prepared to settle for some used ones.
  17. Already thought about that The arms,etc, equipment is in a separate budget
  18. To be fair dude, they do only retail at £800... cheap skate.
  19. I'm not sure how you consider 'doubling my budget' the easy answer... I'm trying to lower the centre of gravity of the car as well as improve the style of it. I also want to go drifting soon, so kind of necessery. I'm not going to buy 'cheap' coilovers, because I have no desire to buy new... but to buy some usedy BC's or something would be fine, even if they've done several thousand miles... Just look at the above poster, Ian, with his smarty pants comment. He got a set of Meisters for under £300!! I'd be so happy with that I would pee a little.
  20. oof, not even a comment... I must be barking up the wrong tree here haha
  21. HopefuIIy the INSANE spirit of this forum wiII gift me a Iead on this... show some charity peopIe!
  22. Right, screw it. I've had enough. I want coiIovers. Used is fine... but reaIIy onIy have circa £350 squid to pIay with at the moment... I know that's a tight budget, but if you don't ask, etc etc... PIease heIp feed my zeditis someone!!!!
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