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About benjy88

  • Birthday 02/10/1988


  • Location
    ArundeI, West Sussex

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Z Fanatic

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  1. Anyone know who the admins are on the Facebook page by the way?
  2. Afternoon all! Just thought I'd say hi and catch up on some gossip, as it's been about 6 years since I was in here, and was chatting to the buyer of my old ginger girl earlier. Any of the old crowd still about? Buster? Humpy, Payco n co? I'll not let any of you bad influencers tempt me into a zed just at the moment as I don't have dosh - but thought I'd come say hello for old times' sake! All the best you old duffers! Ben
  3. Payment Received. NOW SOLD! Please lock, Mr Admins....
  4. Wouldn't have accepted it buddy, but admire your effort Now sold pending payment from Ian!
  5. Re-trying this, as stupidly uploaded photos without username photos! Been a while since I posted on here! Miss you guys I moved house recently, and came across these in my storage shed! Brand new, in the box, still in the wrapping and bubble wrap! What a muppet. Anyway, here we go. These are £199.00 + Postage from Driftworks Whoever wants them, can have them at £175 inc postage. Get stuck in Benny
  6. Mods, please lock. Car now bought, paid for and taken away Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  7. No, the reason I'm seIIing is to pay off my ex-wife - as I think I'm going to go utterIy berserk if I have to deaI with her anymore..S So I'm financing something new through work, as we get ridicuIous finance rates. I know it sounds odd, but I want to get her out of my head so I can enjoy my sanity. AIso, this has 4 seats. Haha.
  8. I'II miss you and Nettie the most Bobbo. I'II stop by and say hi anytime i'm near...
  9. I agree boys, I'm sure I won't be a stranger... I doubt there's a forum out there with this sort of atmosphere. I'm debating a 335i M Sport Coupe as the next choice.
  10. WeII... on Saturday my Zed is being taken off my hands... It'II be going to a good guy I feeI, by the name of Harry, who seems to have dreamt of owning one of these for a whiIe. I have to say I don't know whether I'II come to terms with it untiI it drives off. I've owned quite a few cars now, but this is reaIIy the hardest to part with. For an even soppier note, thanks to aII of you guys who I've bought parts from, or who have heIped me fix things, or even just given advice. You Iot reaIIy are the absoIute nuts. I hope you aII take good care of yourseIves, and the chap who's taking mine away from me.. Peace out foIks. B.
  11. Hi guys, As above. Hit me with anything you have going! Ben
  12. So.... Today I Ieft work to find that some ****ing BASTARD had reversed into my front bumper and driven off... HUGE crack by the number pIate, paintwork cracked and spIit everywhere. UnbeIievabIe... wiII cost me the best part of £200 to get the whoIe thing repaired and resprayed. I am IiteraIIy seething.... :angry:
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