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About oderuyter

  • Birthday 03/10/1985

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Z Dedicated

Z Dedicated (3/7)



  1. Well after almost 4 years of a fantastic ownership I have finally bid farewell to my "Peaches" a ginger 350z. Only to be seduced by a honking supercharged Range Rover Sport to safely transport my impending first child. So as I leave I leave fond memories but hope you all welcome a new Zed owner to your fold as well as you did I. I just wanted to say an enormous thank you to all the contributors on here as I have found this to be the font of knowledge for all things Zed. Although, I myself would by no stretch consider myself a petrol head and as such did not have a lot to share, when I reached out for guidance you guys and gals were right there to help, I even managed to find a few things using the search function Thank you to all for the memories and I hope to be back in a Datsun when I have the inevitable mid-life crisis! Best wishes
  2. Site reads as though £500. How much would it be the please
  3. I'd Love to but I'm pretty broad and find bucket dang uncomfortable I'd love to use Hide and Seat but at £500 a seat aint gonna wash with the bank manager
  4. Share that concern, hence asking around for anyone that has used
  5. OK, so I got a cloth interior, looking faded and shabby now, so thinking time to get re-up'ed. Anyone had and experience with this type of product, seems a good price (even after imported) and a nice fit. https://www.interior-innovations.com/index.php/welcome/product_detail/125
  6. AquaGraphix are the dogs danglies! Keep meaning to book my gear in but then something else falls off the freakin Zed! But 2015 resolution is make the Zed purdy, first stop, AquaGraphix!
  7. Hey all, Been getting a nasty noise when running the car from cold for about the first 8 gear shifts at about 2.7k revs I get a nasty metal clatter that last for about 100 revs. Any ideas people? If it helps I've been told I have a noisy thruster bearing on the gearbox. I'm not a petrol head I'm a geek Just want to get this fixed so I can get on with my mods guilt free. Many thanks in advance
  8. Thats my only concern about the orange, as they doo appear a "washed out orange" - as I'm getting a large bulk of the interior dipped, concerned they will look cack
  9. OK, the cloth seats in mine not looking to great, so looking for some orange or black leather seats, any got any out there?
  10. oderuyter

    Various Items

    All, Looking for a few things here for my '04 350z - Gas struts for Boot & hood LED rear clusters Replacement front and rear Nissan badges Ashtray A dipping company (as previous guy did a runner) A Pop Charger Auto mirror module Any advice appreciated. Thanks
  11. Yup - didnt want to turn this into a slaging match, just didnt want any more suggestions for Abbey Anyone else peeps?
  12. Hmmm - just heard a few horror stories from Abbey, so was discounting them out for now
  13. Had the Zed serviced by Nissan last year, never been the same since, sounds like crappy and very ping'y - So this year looking to have it done by someone better. Can anyone suggest some place in Sussex (am near Haywards Heath)
  14. Sundays - Good chance it was me running late for practice
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