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Everything posted by Dave-350

  1. Oh god. Delete this thread and stop the shame!
  2. Why would it be any skin off your nose what someone else runs their car on? 95 RON or 99 RON, so the car runs slightly higher compression and ideally runs more efficient on higher octane. It's not your car and probably wont make an ounce of difference to the longevity of the engine.Remember more octane doesnt give you more power and although the car is designed to run on Premium but in the case that a lower grade fuel is used it will pull ignition timing to prevent detonation. That will result in less power and less fuel economy but it won't damage it. That comment was tongue in cheek, but I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest that running a Zed on 95 RON has a detrimental effect on engine life. Mark from Abbey posted the technical reasons a while ago and also had some pics of some pistons which hadn't been happy using 95 RON. Can you image that, Nissan developing a car that blows up when using 'normal' fuel, to be proved wrong by a few guys on a forum. Of course I believe you though, I wouldn't want to start a big debate about it! I guess the US cars and Zeds in other country's where fuel is even lower than 95 RON must have been mapped differently. In fact IIRC most fuel, sorry 'Gas' stations in USA have a max of 91 RON!
  3. Why would it be any skin off your nose what someone else runs their car on? 95 RON or 99 RON, so the car runs slightly higher compression and ideally runs more efficient on higher octane. It's not your car and probably wont make an ounce of difference to the longevity of the engine.Remember more octane doesnt give you more power and although the car is designed to run on Premium but in the case that a lower grade fuel is used it will pull ignition timing to prevent detonation. That will result in less power and less fuel economy but it won't damage it.
  4. +1 They mean the Zorst Dave!!!!! Edit!
  5. I don't know about anyone else but I get so bored at Santa pod these days I doubt i will go...
  6. Some of these responses are so untrue. Especially the part about never getting rid of swirls etc, wtf? If you get marring you simply aren't doing it right. 99% of the time it's because you aren't working the polish enough. Come down to me and ill show you how it's done!
  7. Dave-350

    Rear spats

    Can you pm me pics and price. Are they a good fit?
  8. Dave-350

    Rear spats

    GRP? Or OEM? Can you send me pics and price please
  9. CS BL charge speed bottom line skirts, they're the nuts! About 700-800 bucks in the states plus shipping and taxes Group buy? ****... That... Lol!!!
  10. Dave-350

    Rear spats

    350z pre face lift any colour
  11. Yes you did! I'm sorry lol. Let me look at the wheels for sale then. The v2 also makes my side steps look small, I think I need new skirts... Oh god I'm going to be broke!
  12. Please please please let's hope they find the driver! He or she will be in mega @*!#! I hope to god they find them
  13. Sorry dude! If it makes it any better, the V2 is a bit 'beafier' than I expected. Now I think I need 19's!
  14. I so want to dump a LS in my Zed!
  15. If he has kids then this wont be a problem.
  16. http://tvr.co.uk/ Nice British flag!
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