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Everything posted by Dave-350

  1. 6 months rent is over £4000 which I'd rather put into a mortgage. That's only a month's wage for you though. Peanuts. Also, just rent somewhere crap for six months, not somewhere decent. As in a couple of hundred quid a month, not £600. It's certainly not peanuts. And I have a child and a wife, we need a house and you can't rent a house for much less than £750 PCM. Anyway, Sarnie might be able to actually help.
  2. 6 months rent is over £4000 which I'd rather put into a mortgage.
  3. Everything you just said I can relate to! I just showed the Mrs your post and she agreed too, we are struggling to get a mortgage and renting pisses me off. Rent for me is £750 a month! Someone must be able to help you. Try moneysupermarket
  4. If you have 25% of the mortgage you will more than likely get a mortgage from most lenders. I own a business and turnt over £250,000 in my first year but my bank wouldn't entertain me untill I had 2 years accounts. Which is annoying as I take £4k a month wage so I know it can be frustrating. But Unless I had 25% of the deposit then they would "bend the rules" Just speak to your bank.
  5. I had the 14.2 on a stock DE with half a tank of fuel and a passenger. I'm sure I could get a 13.9 if I lost the weight!
  6. I tend to just go through the traders on here! At least you have a reliable source anyway.
  7. Sorry Steve, the best I got was 14.2 and it was against an Evo.
  8. The rest of it is ok, if you like that sort of thing. I am sure they are living the dream nonetheless.
  9. The vocals really bug me at the begining, its like they are using one of them programs that corrects vocal notes. It ruins it. I cant imagine what it would be like to listen to them live!
  10. nah man i did all that with the rx8.. and it eventually drove me crazy been a clean freak i was constantly making sure everything was flush and looking as oem as possible haha. Good answer!
  11. Ignore the stupid comments about cleaning them... Jesus there are trolls on here. Some of the memers here have an extra chromozone and can't quite see past a bit of brake dust and just read the description.
  12. Chubby - what kit you running? Vortech or...?
  13. Very jealous! I'm sure abbey will have it running smooth soon!
  14. If you get desperate ill give you £200
  15. To be fair a standard DE doesn't really have a flat spot. Looking at the mods though it might have uprev. Where you based buddy?
  16. Don't really fancy going to the pub by myself. All my mates are at work. Also nearest decent pub requires a bit of a trek. One hour walk to get to. 1 hour to your local pub? Oh dear! Any pub that has beer on tap is decent!
  17. Do you have decats or anything? Also, where you based?
  18. On hot days I'm not lame and wash my car, I go to the pub and drink beer in the sun, you should try it! Problem solved.
  19. You are the only person I know with a kakimoto system. Apart from me of course. They sound epic eh?
  20. Yea I can read. But I've also been told I would need 40mm spacers... So I'm confused.
  21. Ok, so will these stick miles out on the front or are they really weak?
  22. Oh really? that's gutting!
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