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Everything posted by Dave-350

  1. I cant believe these are still here!
  2. I'm going to quote this, for that time when someone jumps a red light and ploughs into the side of your car. Will it just be a tiny mistake then? +1 +2 Maybe you do that sort of thing then Dblock? There's times when people are just on the change, but that's a blatant jumping of lights, no matter which way you look at it, he purposes chose to cross a red light. Yes if he did that I'd chase him and smash his window with a wiper. Are you honestly saying you make no mistakes when driving? If anyone says they've never dashed for the lights on yellow they are a liar. I tend to drop it to 2nd and floor that motha****er! ROTFLMAO when i read that one.....total class mate
  3. If I had to choose I would go with the vreds. But the toyo have a better looking tread and sidewall, if you're fussy about looks! But I will always run pilot sport 2 or super sports.
  4. Never, PC components get updated every few months. When I got my GTX670 a new card came out the following month. Good thing is that my card will play any game on Ultra settings, so makes no odds if a more powerful card comes out. The PS4 will already be old compared to what will be available when its released. Consoles are convenient, PC gaming online though is 10x harder if you like games like BF or COD.
  5. You can buy my wheels and tyres of you want lol. I have tyres also, but they are 19's
  6. I think we just have to come to terms with that it happens, every day, stupid as it is there are people on the roads who are careless.
  7. Here are some screens of in game, pics are compressed but you get the idea. Specs http://oi41.tinypic.com/2zs9u8n.jpg Skyrim with Nexus Mods http://oi42.tinypic.com/o6mpuo.jpg http://oi44.tinypic.com/2u4lqog.jpg http://oi44.tinypic.com/28qpyk4.jpg http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/607-2-1356358435.jpg Can put some up of Grid 2 also!
  8. Not seen that one but I see the white one in Fareham a lot. Billy, did I see you at shelll in Gosport a while back? What colour is your zed? Can't remember being at shell in gosport? May have been driving past it It's silver bottom and black top Ah definitely not see you about lol I'm sure I will as you are mates with sidewayzed aren't you? Yea but he doesn't even drive the damn thing! Oh he does mate, well almost I will be unveiling next week Get on with it bitch!
  9. It's weird because a lot of the S14 owners rate their stuff, my mate has a few bits of theirs on his S14 and it fitted ok... But that fitment above is terrible.
  10. Not seen that one but I see the white one in Fareham a lot. Billy, did I see you at shelll in Gosport a while back? What colour is your zed? Can't remember being at shell in gosport? May have been driving past it It's silver bottom and black top Ah definitely not see you about lol I'm sure I will as you are mates with sidewayzed aren't you? Yea but he doesn't even drive the damn thing!
  11. Might as well get a fibreglass bonnet then...
  12. Not seen that one but I see the white one in Fareham a lot. Billy, did I see you at shelll in Gosport a while back? What colour is your zed? Can't remember being at shell in gosport? May have been driving past it It's silver bottom and black top Ah definitely not see you about lol
  13. Get friendly with an MOT tester... Lol
  14. You could run the proper sizes on the 8.5j. 9.5j will be ok too. I will be running 10j rears with ET-1 this week, that might be close!
  15. Hello! From Portsmouth so not too far! Welcome
  16. So ET +5 and ET +15? They will be fine mate
  17. Not seen that one but I see the white one in Fareham a lot. Billy, did I see you at shelll in Gosport a while back? What colour is your zed?
  18. Why lol? My rig will blow a PS3 out the water, I'll get some screens up of my modded skyrim tomorrow!
  19. No. Lol. Unless you want to spend your money on the lowest quality exhaust on the market. Try cobra or Miltek, or something else at least.
  20. Nope I'm very happy as i'm now awaiting on my flight to a very sunny place for the 2nd time this month. I just love it when people make statements and then fail to back them up and try everything to avoid it. Makes me laugh Here you go mate
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