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Everything posted by Dave-350

  1. Replace turbo, then you get it mapped again... Then what happens when the manifolds crack after 6 months? You already have paid for a vortech v3 kit by this point... Use your head, it will cost you a couple of grand to get it and working. Then when it breaks or blows your engine up you're at a major loss!
  2. On a serious note, the stuff you need is called Gunk. Halfords. Its old school and works great.
  3. Not me. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Where+to+buy+Elbow+Grease%3F
  4. Never even noticed this till I read the above...
  5. Take it from my experience (I owned a couple of E92s) If you cant get the M3, get the 335i, if you cant get the 335i... Don't buy one. Take the 325i E92 for example - The engine is flat as a witches tit, the Fuel consumption is terrible (worse than my Zed). The head is noisy (research about noisy tappets). You will find it very boring. Born and bread around BMW's, my advice - The 335i Twin Turbo Diesel. That can be mapped to 500BHP easily.
  6. So it's a unbranded TUrboTechnics kit... You'll get what you pay for
  7. That would last a year at most before it breaks Plus his description is bulkshit, the best bits? It's all non branded. And that is some how a 350z intercooler "NOT UNIVERSAL" lol.. Facepalm
  8. No, it's a cheap copy called MotorDyne TDX v2 Damn, they are pretty loud from what I heard. Does it have ART pipes? Do sound great though!
  9. You mean from the rear end? Slam your car and you wont see them. sorted.
  10. Can you give me the specs on the Style 95s, IE PCD size, tyre size etc
  11. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=@*!#%20hot
  12. Similar looking to my Kakimoto! But mine being dual tips! Looks great!
  13. I think he is more interested to know whether it truly is a cat-back, does it include the YPipe. Which in theory it should do, but it would raise a concern for me also.
  14. What paint are you using, how many layers are you applying... Out of interest?
  15. Plain... Road Legal... Plain... Its just a plate man...
  16. Lol >.< You should have PM'ed me tim! Glad you got the spacers ok!
  17. I actually love TC MEDIA now. I wonder if they will do some shots of my car!
  18. Hmm it's tempting, even more so as you are local
  19. Just out of curiosity, what rim widths and ET are you running?
  20. **** i hate that saying, so what up till then i have no concept of human nature, ive not loved and lost family or friends Off topic sorry Lol that's why you don't understand. You will see. You actually change as a person. When you become a parent come back and tell me I'm wrong. +1 it's true!
  21. **** i hate that saying, so what up till then i have no concept of human nature, ive not loved and lost family or friends Off topic sorry To be fair mate, until you are a parent, there is no feeling like it that you feel for your kids. So the saying is kinda right... IMO
  22. I have some 452s in your exact requirements, if it helps you can have them free of charge
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