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Everything posted by OsakaBen

  1. Nice car and exhaust sounds good ....... .......:::Please don't buy eyelids
  2. It was actually my mum who spotted you kev, she said she saw a 'Softop TWO- FIFTEEN- ZED with big chrome alloys and it said 350z in red lights on the back' lol Spotted by my mum!!!!
  3. 'It's raining so take it steady mike' Next scene mike crashes through a ford doing about 70 -.-
  4. Like them, adds a nice touch of colour
  5. At the headless cross chip shop last night! After a full par 4 breakfast at the meet!! Greeeeddyyy!!
  6. Double post, should of bought a galaxy
  7. Mate that's a beautiful shed. I shall make you an amazing offer later today. Ill pm you
  8. Only if you promise that my money won't find your eyelids.
  9. Ian your more than welcome to my current ones, for no charge. Ill sort something out
  10. Thanks mate! I'm gonna hold out for a few days and see if anyone finds this thread, if not ill probably look at buying new and painting. If not ill steal yours haha
  11. As above, bit of a long shot, but you never know Thanks
  12. Frightened me just watching it
  13. OsakaBen


    1 million cups of tea drunk!......per week.
  14. I use interior wipes, but with a Matt finish, available at the halfrauds
  15. I too found this 6 months ago, I've secretly been mixing a custom blue by adding blue pearl pigments to clear dip. I'm nearly at the colour I want
  16. Thanks guys, just ordering myself a new zspeed undertray from Tarmac, arch liner from Zman, and a nismo v2 from EP Racing. Getting it sorted
  17. I left work on Tuesday night around 10.30 as I was coming up to my house I started slowing down ready to pull into my drive. All of a sudden something shot out of a field on the drivers side and in front of my car, i tried to turn but it was too late. I was probably going about 20-25mph. I pulled over to see what I had hit, and to my horror i found that it was a dog. I checked to see if it was still alive but unfortunatley it had passed away. I contaced the owners who lived nearby. I didnt care about my car at this point. I've had a sleepless nights about it. i've not fully checked out the damage yet, but heres a picture. Will I ever forgive myself?
  18. From EPRacing : Hi there Many thanks for the email. we have this item in stock. they just arrived last week. The front bumper comes with the Air duct and carbon canards. The price for the bumper is £350.00 + delivery. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Carbon lip Ordered ^.^
  19. No carbon lips, although I have emailed and asked them if they can make one.
  20. I don't think it had a carbon lip, but still - it went or an awesome price
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