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Everything posted by Aliensurfer

  1. How stunning? Put it this way, I doubt that microphone was that big before she appeared!
  2. How stunning in Jess?? I called the top two, but never thought the grumpy Scot would get 3rd
  3. Shake your moneymaker is one of my favourite albums of all time. I have that Afro Circus song from Madagascar 3 in my head today, I blame the kids though!
  4. Welcome, and we need some pics. Can't be many Chilli Red Zed's out there...?
  5. Plenty of advice on here within various threads. I'd suggest looking through for a bit as you get a better overall picture of the Zed. Certainly worked for me.
  6. Aliensurfer

    Zed badges

    I've been watching those on E-bay for a few days, just not sure how it'll look on my Silver Zed.... little undecided
  7. My Zed came with a private plate, R10 OCS, and online evaluations put it at around £250. I doubt I'd get that unless someone called Rio has Obsessive Compulsive Syndrome! I've seen one I'd like to buy, but it's £500 and that's too expensive for me to justify considering I have one already, albeit one that means nothing to me. As mentioned above, it really is dependent on whether someone else sees value in it, but I'd not set your sights too high otherwise you'll struggle to sell or and / or be disappointed.
  8. Good to read this. I live walking distance from the Lightcliffe garage and was thinking of taking my 350z in there in the new year, will be very wary of that now.
  9. Inside lane west from the Halifax junction, stuck in traffic with the rest of us. Looked like an Irish plate with 3 letters then 3 (or 4?) numbers. YBZ I think. I -flew- past in the outside lane doing about 10mph.. Hope you had better luck with the traffic than I did, 2 hours 20 for an hour journey and only caught my flight by 5 minutes.
  10. I could do with one of these please Alex
  11. My one piece pool cue. Couldn't get it in via the boot, had to put it in through the drivers door.
  12. I've done over 2000 miles in my Zed since getting it on 9th Nov. Drives beautifully on the motorways, so effortless. Done Halifax to Cambridge a few times in there too, never thought it would be as good a cruiser as it is, I'm very impressed. Glad you had a nice few days back around my old stomping grounds
  13. I would certainly contact the police instead of tracking him solely on your own. My in laws did something similar a few years ago and the police worked with them to track the con man down. Some people out there are scum, I just don't understand how these people can bring themselves to do something like this. Just looking at that advert shows it's a scam. It's easily 4-5k too cheap, with a first time eBay account. It's not even clever.
  14. Can't we all just go back to 8 track cassettes?
  15. Cornflakes and Kelly Brook, although I wish that was the other way around!
  16. I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol; No idea what you mean
  17. On a slightly lighter note, I'm a total grammar Nazi. I get so irate when people get things like there, their and they're wrong. Drives me bonkers, kids can't be bothered to even spell properly.
  18. I noticed that you painted the Brake Callipers on the S2000 while they were still on. Surely this wouldn't be the recommended way to do this, seeing as you can't paint or prepare them fully? Just curious as I'm tempted to see if I can get blue ones on my Zed..
  19. Light snow around Cambridge way I've been told
  20. Who? You are far too young....these would have been offered to you in the interval by a cinema "maid" from a tray suspended around her neck when I started going....doesn't that happen now? I remember going to see Cast Away in a tiny cinema in Haverfordwest many years ago. There was an interval and it was at the bit in the film where they suddenly cut to a "6 months later" shot and Tom Hanks has lost weight and grown a beard. I missed the caption in getting to my seat and sat there for the next 10 minutes wondering if I'd missed a large chunk of the film!
  21. Just a note on that advert. I went to see a Black 06 with this guy which had been a cat D write off. While it was mentioned in the advert, I missed it as he'd written it in very small letters in the middle of the advert. He only mentioned it again after the viewing when I did an online check, even though I mentioned while viewing it that there was a panel not fitting correctly, a headlamp covered in condensation and a cracked front number plate. I'm not saying he was lying, at all, as he mentioned the Cat D in the ad, it was just so small I missed it. Just use your common sense when looking around any car you're looking to buy, and if your gut feeling says to leave it alone then you're probably right. My heart wanted the black Zed so much I was still tempted to buy it, but my gut kept telling me to stay clear, which I'm glad I did given the one I did go onto buy
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